JCataclisma 82 Posted June 13, 2024 NOTE:THIS IS NOT A MOD. All of this stuff was made thanks to so many great tips and suggestions here at the Bohemia forums, as well as many adaptations for use on Quiksilver's "Invade & Annex" framework - although such system is not necessary, the vehicles will work perfectly on multiplayer dedicated server which are running it.KIND OF WIP. You might still find some "hints" shown in BR Portuguese, as well as some smaller errors regarding missing additional scripts. Not all vehicles work on all the three "searchers", and also the same vehicle won't necessarily receive the same effects on different "searchers". Lots, lots of stuff constantly being added. So please be kind whether a vehicle doesn't actually do something once you use one of its new actions. A MUCH BETTER TUTORIAL VIDEO IS ON THE WAY. (BR Portuguese) Versão em Português e um tutorial melhor a caminho.INSTALLATION: You can have the mission example, or just download the code folder and add the files into your mission's folder. -Using mission example: 1.) Download the .RAR file and unzip it; 2.) Open the "searcherExample.VR" mission in your editor; 3.) There are three main buildings there, with several vehicles nearby: 3.1.) move one of such building a little farther from everything, as well as your character and the vehicle you wish to test; 3.2.) stay close to the vehicle (um to 5 meters), look at the "searcher" building and click on the action in dark brown; 4.) Take a look around your vehicle to see some - or several! - working changes; 5.) Enter the vehicle and scroll the action menu to test the new stuff; HOW TO USE: Mostly, there are three mains ways: 1.) You can approach an object with the addAction with the desired vehicle and click on the custom Action; 2.) You can open a specific SQF inside "code\scripts", copy the whole code and paste it into dev console while close to desired vehicle; 3.) You can approach desired vehicle and call "[] execVM" with the specific "code\scripts\FILE.SQF" path.ACTIONS WITH CUSTOM SHORTCUTS: Some of the new features - like launching night flares, dropping a "wall" of smoke and/or chem-lights and helicopter's helping cameras - might have their own custom shortcut, additionally to being fired from the scroll menu. If so, these shortcuts are set as "User16" or "User17", meaning that in order for them to properly work, you need to set them up with your desired keys/buttons combinations on game controls: 'Configure -> Controls -> Custom'. If you want to change their address (instead of 16 or 17), just open the specific .SQF file for your vehicle, search for "User1" or "User17" and change it, or just remove the text, leaving only the empty pair of quotes "". DOWNLOAD: --Full (won't need nothing else): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/14HOR9lfHFGzbRHYjS29HKC_ROgEN30zV?usp=sharing --Example mission with all the scripts: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MAxLymR3jpvblsiAM9nAMvFdWUUdr7UD/view?usp=sharing --Folder with all the scripts and nothing else: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1DFmfn6djf-M43VxitkRN_dHXYsCqbZVE?usp=sharing --Steam Workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3267291507MAIN FEATURES: -100% vanilla, but several items from Bohemia's DLCs might be in use (no Creator's DLC were applied); -No MODs at all; -Lots of attached objects for a more "MadMax style" look; -Most of the weapons attachments are perfectly working; -Some weird combinations between different vehicles; -Night flares, chemical lights and smoke deployments; -Automatic placement/setup for camping and mini artillery sites; -"Undercover as civilian" status once players board some helicopters; -Different, powerful weapons for both vehicle and attached static turrets; -Several different ways to tow other vehicles or containers, whether using helicopters, ground vehicles or boats; -Special cameras to help pilots on landing and maneuvering helicopters; -Majority of the new actions will only be shown to the driver/pilot, but there are some of them which require player to be in commander or even gunner to be able to be seen. TUTORIAL: -Each "searcher" file has the basic explanation within, but there is also a video in a ugly, poorly-spoken English; -The "searcher" SQF files are: "62th_gamersBR_searcherSmoke", "62th_gamersBR_searcherAlternative" and "62th_gamersBR_searcherWater"; -The two mains videos are below, as well as the link for a playlist full of preview/premiere tests for the creations: --Tutorial part 1 - the basics on the mission editor/gameplay (new tutorial, better audio): --Tutorial part 2 - for customization: HOW TO FIND OUT WHETHER DESIRED VEHICLE IS IN THE LIST AND HOW TO EDIT ITS CHANGES: -You DON'T NEED necessarily to know programming, scripting or mission editing, and although a simple text editor might do, I'd suggest Notepad++, to avoid messing special characters; -Go to mission editor in the game; -Spawn EXACTLY the same vehicle that is in your mind; -Right-click it, then on the menu select "Log -> Log Classes to Clipboard"; -Paste that text on a text editor, which will be something like "B_T_Truck_01_covered_F" (Hemtt Covered Troops, in this case), and save it; -The text between the quotes "" is the EXACT and UNIQUE name of that specific vehicle you want - it will change even if the same vehicle from another faction, texture, or weapon turret; -Such unique name is the CLASS of your vehicle; -Open one of the three "Searcher" files inside code\scripts - usually the "searcherSmoke.SQF" is the one with most variety; -Perform a search for that CLASS/NAME of the vehicle - if it is there, will probably be shown at the first list in the file: --something like "_coverHemtt_classes = ["B_T_Truck_01_covered_F", "B_Truck_01_covered_F"];" -Now, copy that "_classes" you have found (_coverHemtt_classes in this example) and make a new search for it, so it will take you to the last part of the same file: --something like "if (_vehicleClass in _coverHemtt_classes) then {[] execVM "code\scripts\62th_gamersBR_smokeHemtCover.sqf";}"; -Note that .SQF file written: that's the file which you should look for, a UNIQUE/EXCLUSIVE file to your desired vehicle, and that's the place where you can change whatever you want. --Playlist for several of my Arma 3 MadMax style creations (mostly in Pt(BR)):https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TNKGRcyAk6s&list=PLsjz8tY5VWonc1Ie4O5VY3byCAzRT88py --A few video examples: KNOWN ISSUES AND PROBABLE WORKAROUNDS: There are some issues which just belong to the game engine and related stuff, and you might need just to take them as "it is what it is".ONLY THE PLAYER WHOM "ACTIVATES" THE VEHICLE ON THE GARAGES WILL BE ABLE TO SEE THE NEW ACTIONS ON MENU! This has changed a little bit, and now some of the actions (like boarding attached weapons on Hunter or Bobcat/Panther, releasing "bloodbag" on Hummingbirds and releasing vehicles from Rhib barge) will appear for all players. Check the updates (difference message bellow) for 23-June-2024. EXTRA CAMERAS: For instance, when you activate one of the helicopter's extra cams, you WILL NOT be able to use the mouse for anything other than look around. Mouse functions will only return once you press 'ESC' to close that cam window. Take that into account providing the way you usually control your chopper, as you might need to engage auto-hover prior to use that cam, although you won't face difficulties whether your helicopter controls are mainly on keyboard or joystick. WEIRD AUTO-DAMAGE: Sometimes, when firing weapons/turrets from the attached vehicles, they might hit and cause damage to the real/original vehicle - the "activated" one which player is driving. That could be related to the tiny delay which occurs between player's vehicle and its attached objects, or even because the shots have to pass "thru" the vehicle, even if visually it seems to not hit the LOD. That seems to happen more often upon Huron + 2 Blackfishes attached, and also with Hunter jeep (armed version). In such cases, it is recommended to stop the vehicle before using the weapon turrets - at least the heavier calibers. 6 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JCataclisma 82 Posted June 15, 2024 -Several improvements for the helicopters below, under the "searcherSmoke" garage: -Huron; -Czapla/Hellcat; -Hummingbird; -Pawnee; -Taru Medical; -Ghost Hawk. They now have more/different weapons, but also have FLARES for pilot, copilot and gunners, as well as for the shooters mounted on the attached /external static turrets; same goes to the four gunners on the two attached Blackfishes. ==================================== 17-June-2024 ............ -Most of the "ALPHA STRIKE" turrets have been improved, and now will not fire automatically - only when player executes the action; -New MadMax style for Hemtt Truck (covered troops transport version); -Boarding such HEMTT as passenger will automatically try to put player as one of the external gunners (attached static HMGs); -This truck will also automatically repair, rearm and refuel any other vehicle which stops nearby. ========================================= 19-June-2024 .......... -New Medevac version for Hummingbirds: pilot gets 'bloodbag' action, just like on water truck, and both pilot and copilot now have weapons and flares; -Motorboat and APC Marshall can now build bridges (both activated on 'searcherWater'); -Finally fixed attached autoturrets: for AlphaStrike: they will no longer shot by themselves - only when player uses 'AlphaStrike'. ======================================== 20 - June - 2024 ............ -Some fixies to the blinking yellow lights attached to the bridge: now, they will continue blinking; -Hummingbirds MEDEVAC version properly working. ======================================= 21-June-2024 ............... -RHIB can now act like a real barge! Transport your vehicles on its new "deck", and also hire AI gunners to man the two roof turrets. -Rhib boat also has a new, improved action: once players try to board as passenger, they will immediately man the two turrets on medevac pod's roof. ====================================== 23-June-2024 ................ -Moved some of the new actions into the "init.sqf" file, so that they can be available for all players in MP - not only the ones that activated the vehicle. So now, in case you are using copy and paste to execute the code, you might need a little different approach. For instance, inside the file 62th_gamersBR_rhibBargeTowner.sqf you now find the lines bellow: [ (vehicle player) ] remoteExec ["fn_rhibSpecialRelease", 0, true]; }; Then, you go to init.sqf and search for that fn_rhibSpecialRelease reference, which will lead you to a bunch of lines like these: fn_rhibSpecialRelease = { params ["_vehicle"]; if (isNull _vehicle) exitWith {}; private _release = _vehicle addAction [ "<t color='#ff7620'>RELEASE Vehicle</t>", //a lot of lines here; }, nil, 0, false, true, "", "_this == _target turretUnit [-1]", 10, false ];}; If you want to use copy and paste, or for whatever reasons you need the whole code at a single file, just copy and paste the code, replacing its "fnc" reference inside the vehicle.SQF file. But you will need to change the variable name of the vehicle as well, which usually runs around one of these three: _currentVehicle, _vehicle or (vehicle player). .............................................. -The civilian light truck/pickup can now act as a powerful (but slow) vehicle transport, and it's able to move two different vehicles at once. Load those specific vehicles at it and transport the light pickup anywhere with another bigger cargo vehicle! But there are some specific vehicles which can only be loaded either on "Front TOW", or with "RearTOW". Check the van's transportation specific files to make sure what can go where: 62th_gamersBR_vanTataTownerFront.SQF and 62th_gamersBR_vanTataTownerRear.SQF. ........................................... -Medical version of Hummingbird is now ACTUALLY a proper working support vehicle, doing the same thing as an "attendant = 1" vanilla vehicle. It's got an attached invisible Taru MedPod, and every time a player boards Hummingbird as passenger, they'll automatically take one of the Taru's medical beds. And the 'bloodbag' feature now automatically puts the target on the bed "cargo index 5" of medical pod. ===================== 24-June-2024 ............... --Hummingbird Medevac version now supports Eurocopter mod's stretcher. Just choose the specific file to be loaded within "searcherSmoke.SQF" ===================== 28-June-2024 ......................... -Several fixes and improvements; -RHIB barge boat and Light pickup carrier can now refuel, repair and rearm nearby vehicles (the ladder ones need to have a driver and do NOT need to shut down engine - only hold steady nearby). ========================= 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
whiztler 137 Posted June 16, 2024 Very original. Clearly you put a lot of work and effort into this! Looks like fun! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JCataclisma 82 Posted June 16, 2024 9 hours ago, whiztler said: Very original. Clearly you put a lot of work and effort into this! Looks like fun! Thank you! Actually, most of the work was done by the savy guys here at the forums. I just spent some funny weeks on experimenting it. 😁 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JCataclisma 82 Posted June 19, 2024 Finishing a roughly simple "bridge deployment/launching" system for the boats. 😎 Strongly inspired by the M60 Armored Vehicle Launched Bridge (AVLB). 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JCataclisma 82 Posted June 24, 2024 Now with a 100% functional "Medevac Hummingbird" and a light pickup converted into a heavy towing vehicle: ========================================== ..--Hummingbird Medevac version now supports Eurocopter mod's stretcher. Just choose the specific file to be loaded within "searcherSmoke.SQF" So, you can choose among FOUR types of "Birds" tuning inside the "searcherSmoke.SQF" file: 1. _smokeBirdsOficina: the regular MaxMax style, not exactly a medevac; 2. _smokeMediBirdsOficina: the real medevac, with the hidden Taru medical pod - passengers AND bloodbags will go inside Taru pod; 3. _smokeMediBirdsStretcherBag: same as above, but bloodbag will be attached to the external/right vanilla stretcher instead; 4. _smokeMediBirdsEurocopter: if you have Eurocopter mod installed, that perfectly functional stretcher from such mod will be attached to Hummingbird, and that's where bloodbag will be placed instead. You can manually detach and use the Eurocopter's stretcher. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JCataclisma 82 Posted June 27, 2024 Now, now, your team mates have neglected you a ride, just because you're a UAV operator, full of fancy equipment? Well, assemble your own ride and let them go. It's their loss. And you even got your own security sentries! 😎😁😁 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JCataclisma 82 Posted July 20, 2024 Whether anyone wants to try the stuff in a real mission, ready to play and have fun, PeaceBob has just published a news scenario. He also got a public MP server which usually runs these MadMax vehicles as well: The scenario/mission on Steam:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3292768508 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JCataclisma 82 Posted August 6, 2024 Although this is NOT in the same pack, this Peacebob's wasteland version of a Star Wars Tie Fighter matches perfectly the "attachedScrap" idea. So I will attach the links here, for a very extra doses of fun and creativity. DIY Tie Fighter:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3302401470 "DIY Wars" - a Tie Fighter mission:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3303818614 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites