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idf fighter

Can you actually evade the enemy after they spot you?

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I know you can evade the enemy before the enemy spots you by using stealth. However, once the enemy spots you can you evade them on foot? As in actually lose them by running away fast and far enough? It seems like no matter how fast or how far I run the enemy ALWAYS finds me. I try zigzagging, hiding, run and run and run, but eventually they find me. I understand it’s realistic that they don’t give up because they want you dead, but can you actually lose the enemy eventually?

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3 hours ago, idf fighter said:

I know you can evade the enemy before the enemy spots you by using stealth. However, once the enemy spots you can you evade them on foot? As in actually lose them by running away fast and far enough? It seems like no matter how fast or how far I run the enemy ALWAYS finds me. I try zigzagging, hiding, run and run and run, but eventually they find me. I understand it’s realistic that they don’t give up because they want you dead, but can you actually lose the enemy eventually?


Yes, you can. There are videos of testing AI's knowsAbout of you before and after you break line-of-sight, you can even see where the AI expects you to go by last trajectory perceived. This however isnt perfect as the knowsAbout doesnt just return to Zero right away so there are some niggles in what amount of realistic level perception it should have when it "kinda knows about you"


I expect this will be improved in Reforger but its a hard thing to get right

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1 hour ago, froggyluv said:


Yes, you can. There are videos of testing AI's knowsAbout of you before and after you break line-of-sight, you can even see where the AI expects you to go by last trajectory perceived. This however isnt perfect as the knowsAbout doesnt just return to Zero right away so there are some niggles in what amount of realistic level perception it should have when it "kina knows about you"


I expect this will be improved in Reforger but its a hard thing to get right

that is extremely helpful, thank you for the quick response!

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