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Hey all,

In my mission, I want a supply crate to drop from a Blackfish and then fire a flare so that players can see the drop.

To do this, I have a trigger that is activated when the pilot flies over. Here is the on activation code:

_success = objNull setVehicleCargo supplyDrop;
flrpos = supplyDrop modelToWorld [0,0,100];
flrObj = createVehicle ["F_20mm_Red", flrpos, [], 0,"NONE"];
flrObj setVelocity [0,0,-10];

The supply drop works just fine, but no matter how much I fiddle with the code, the flare never spawns. Please let me know if there is a way to fix the code or if there is another way of doing this.


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Try ant take a look at this recent video from Gunter.
I think it will give you exactly what is missing. 😎

I would also change your createVehicle line into something like this:

flrObj = "F_20mm_Red" createvehicle ((flrpos) ModelToWorld [0,0,50]);

There also this topic from a few hours ago, where I put the code I use to spawn/create flares relative to the player's position when they use an action, so you can use the "createvehicle ((player) ModelToWorld" from there:


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Finally, there are also Pierre-MGI's modules, which handle that subjects as well:

This is what I use to create a smoke on vehicles at the point where I disembark them from boats (by using "attachTo" in scripts)


					_charge_9 = createVehicle ["SmokeShellYellow",[0,0,0]];
					_charge_9 setPosATL (_object modelToWorldVisual [0,0,0]);
					_charge_9 setVectorDirAndUp [(_object modelToWorld [0,0,0]) vectorFromTo (_object modelToWorld [0,0,0]),[0,0,2]];
					_charge_9 setDamage [1,TRUE];


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Thank you so much! I got it working. The "attachTo" was also a nice touch so that I didn't have to match velocity. Thanks again!

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    This is Config>>>>
itsDutch_DropCrateHaveSmoke = true;
itsDutch_DropCrateHaveFlare = true;

itsDutch_DropSmokesVector = [                            // Classname of the smoke you want to spawn, the color spawn random.
itsDutch_DropFlaresVector = [                            // Classname of the smoke you want to spawn, the color spawn random.
    put this on crate >>>>
                    if !(_isVehicle) then
                        if (itsDutch_DropCrateHaveSmoke) then
                            private _Smoke = (_dropObj getVariable ["itsDutch_DropCrateSmoke", selectRandom itsDutch_DropSmokesVector]) createVehicle getPosATL _dropObj;
                            _Smoke attachTo [_dropObj,[0,0,0]];
                        if (itsDutch_DropCrateHaveFlare) then
                            private _Flare = (_dropObj getVariable ["itsDutch_DropCrateFlare", selectRandom itsDutch_DropFlaresVector]) createVehicle getPosATL _dropObj;
                            _Flare attachTo [_dropObj,[0,0,0]];

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