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EricJ Mission Thread

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For those who downloaded the "Pilot XX" missions, I had to remove them due to the new patch breaking things. I contacted and just talked to the author of the missions, who created them, and he said that the team has pretty much moved on from Arma and so no support in fixing them. However, he did give me permission to outsource them so if anybody can fix the mission type, then I'll be happy to send one over so you can fix it, and send the files that needed to be fixed and so on. But if not, then well I'm sorry the missions won't be coming back. I will save them though just in case. They just won't be coming back that's all.

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Okay I've found the errors in the Pilot XX missions. When I select Dusk I get an immediate CTD, which is one of the scripted time changes. Also when I drop off people they don't disappear after a certain amount of time, so it's going to end up crowded when they should go away. If somebody can fix this, then either contact me via DM or post here (I'll get an email notification) if you can help me out as that seems to be the only issues with the missions.

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Another script borking was the rearm/refuel chopper script that I'm sure everybody used for years. Well for me it doesn't work anymore. So I'm guessing this is an issue with most games and missions, and probably a Feedback Tracker entry has been added about it, given that it was used a lot (and a lot of missions that I've used too) and now no worky 😞

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Looks like the new hotfix for 2.18 "fixed" the CTD issue so now my "Pilot XX" missions are working as intended.

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Pilot MH-92 Cherokee CLA Clafghan (Coop 7)




Right now it's still WIP (I need feedback on things for sure even though I play it to error check and the like) though it's fairly "stable" for use. I decided to just do it on the Clafghan map because well, why not? The Diver missions are what they are right now as I don't know how to remove them, so you'll spend time dropping them in a river and so on. Requirements are listed on the Steam page.

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Pilot MH-92 Cherokee CLA Clafghan (SP)


Simply an SP version of the MP mission above. Currently you're limited to the current number of crew. I need to look into a Squad Manager or something like that to allow replacements in case they die or something, but here it is currently.



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Pilot CH-67 Huron Clafghan (Coop 7)


Just another mission, this time with the CH-67 Huron, so it should be appropriate for the map or so. So far it's only coop and I'll see what I can do from there. It doesn't require (or shouldn't, I think I got all the things) my Helicopter pack, but it does require the Clafghan Signature FIX map and the EricJ Taliban Units, and the Helicopter DLC.



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Pilot MH-60M CLA Clafghan (Coop 7)


This is using the Project Hatchet MH-60M instead of my helos. While it's a "competitor" I do like the mod and enjoy the features in it so it's a keeper. All the mods needed are listed on the Steam page:



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Been doing some thinking and came up with the idea to support the Expeditionary Forces CDLC by incorporating the units from that to populate the mission, and so on. I'm also thinking of the possibility of an MP version of the Pilot UH-1Y mission, if people want that, as I don't like flying the SP missions because I have to deal with the AI, and I don't like dealing with the AI, so I play the MP versions solo and so on. Overall I don't have much in the way of mission ideas, and can support only a few mods, notably the Hatchet H-60 mod, and some other possibly. I thought of doing a WY-55 mission, but that would just be having the ability to pilot the helo and nothing specialized. Given that it's not a NATO helo, it will make it a pain to transferring the boundaries and other stuff to fit it. Overall I think I'll just do the MP version of the UH-1Y mission. I'm not too big as I have to update a lot of maps similarly to incorporate changes, but it can change too.

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Pilot UH-1Y (Coop 4)


This is a mission I developed for the Expeditionary Forces CDLC. It's still a work in progress (once I get the classnames for the Recon guys I'll update the mission so they're used and not vanilla NATO ones) but otherwise fairly complete. The EF CDLC is required for play, as well as the mods listed on the mission page.



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Assassin (Coop 9)


This is a mission that I came up with. It's not very complex, just go kill the dude and return the intel to the ship and so on. It requires a few mods, but with the right group should be okay to be somewhat fun. Special thanks to pierremgi for helping fix the issues that I was having earlier. More or less tell me what you think and so on. Note for the return to USS Liberty you need to assign the task, but otherwise pretty fairly easy to play.



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Brought back the Pilot MH-245 missions, both MP and (SP). You'll need the Reaction Forces CDLC, and Helicopters DLC for sling load, and the EricJ Cherokee Containers mod for this mission:






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A general note for the Clafghan maps, I had forgotten about CUP Terrains - Core being needed. All of the Clafghan missions are fixed now and requires it to play (because Clafghan needs it).


Another Pilot mission, this time "Pilot MH-60M Black Hawk Clafghan (Coop 7). I figured that since my Avatar-like helos aren't that popular, you can perform the same missions with the MH-60M from my EricJ Helicopter Pack:



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After some checking the Pilot missions that I put up don't require the Helicopter DLC anymore to play. I'm sure that has kept some of you from checking it out, but after checking out the Advanced Sling Loading mod you can use that instead (but is highly recommended as you will have to sling load as a part of the missions) of the Helo DLC if you don't have it. The only exception is the CH-67 version, because well, the CH-67 comes with the Helicopter DLC. Happy flying!

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I updated this old mission, which I took down because of the script issues before a hotfix fixed the issues with the mission. It's the Pilot MH-6J Little Bird (Coop 5). It's not fully like the other Altis based missions, but it'll work for you and other people too:



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