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A little help getting started

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Hi Everyone,


Can someone please help me and point me in the direction of some basic in depth tutorials. Some of the wiki has what I need but it's assuming I know more than I actually do. Key items I'd like to read up on are loadouts, triggers, pretty much some of the things needed for custom mission with different clothing and limited items and weapons. I have the basics of the AI already and I have the spawn point figured out but this new workbench is beyond me and I'd like to learn. I'm not asking for someone to write me a tutorial but if you have some links I can go read I would be super grateful. Thanks.

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On 4/1/2024 at 8:13 PM, Banshee_87 said:

Can someone please help me and point me in the direction of some basic in depth tutorials. ....


If you wanna try some Enforce Script lines, I do recommend you to read these two pages: 

  1. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_Reforger:From_SQF_to_Enforce_Script
  2. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_Reforger:Scripting_Example

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I usually document myself with a mix of BI Forums, YouTube videos, the BI Wiki and the Arma Platform Discord.


On top of everything, Blackheart Six's tutorials are top-notch:



Also, these are some of the useful playlists/videos I am watching:




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