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Reaction Forces - Changelog

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Rotators Collective will use this thread to provide information about future updates to the Creator DLC: Reaction Forces.


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Reaction Forces v1.0.1



  • Added: Pickup (HMG) variant
  • Added: Tan and Olive texture variants for the AH-11F Hellcat
  • Added: "Argana Royal" (National Police) texture variant for the Laws of War Van, fitting to the Pickup livery of the same name
  • Fixed: Cougar helicopter would get damaged when landed while Advanced Flight Model is enabled
  • Fixed: Typos in various translations
  • Fixed: EventHandler inheritance in some object classes
  • Fixed: Custom Game Options - MP behavior on server when Reaction Forces is not enabled (always visible helicopter gauges HUD)
  • Fixed: Tactical Vest Rig model had shadow issues when a Ghillie suit was equipped
  • Fixed: Spotlight related action names on the Pickup will only show up now if the headlights are on
  • Fixed: Breaks on the Pickup were rotating with the wheels
  • Fixed: Hole in the Twin Mortar artillery range, also improved AI handling a little bit
  • Fixed: Stray polygon in lower LOD of the H6 rifle
  • Fixed: The G19 pistol 65Rnd magazine had a lower velocity than the other magazine variants
  • Fixed: Changed all G19 pistol magazine config classes to Type=16
  • Fixed: Typo in Pickup texture config entry
  • Fixed: QRF Sharpshooter soldier classes were missing their binoculars
  • Fixed: JIP client couldn't see Wildfire properly
  • Tweaked: RC40 HE and Smoke drones can now be detonated with the fire action (left mouse button by default) instead of just the action menu
  • Tweaked: RC40 speed increased slightly
  • Tweaked: Various smaller G19 pistol and attachment texture improvements
  • Tweaked: Since the HADES H6 rifle has a folding stock, it can now fit into backpacks
  • Tweaked: Veles rifle distance sound have more punch now
  • Tweaked: Improved Cougar helicopter crew survivability
  • Tweaked: AH-11F Hellcat default color is now Olive to fit better into the rest of the NATO lineup
  • Tweaked: The MH-245 Cougar now fires both equipped pylon weapons at the same time if they are of the same type
  • Tweaked: Improvements to the Wildfire Module to reduce desyncs
  • Tweaked: Bucket performance update/pond detection for improved compatibility with other CDLC terrains
  • Tweaked: Replaced various Pickup (MMG) faction variants with the new (HMG). The old vehicle variant classes are now hidden by default


Air Control

  • Added: If the Western Sahara CDLC is enabled, some of its vehicles are added into the randomized vehicle spawn and motor pool (usable terminal athe FOBs)
  • Fixed: Wrong evac task description
  • Fixed: Player was able to teleport other players if they are in the same team
  • Fixed: Base attribute values weren't broadcasted correctly to JIPs
  • Fixed: Scripted error related to the destroy structure task
  • Fixed: Debug message was shown when calling artillery
  • Fixed: EXP were removed from the wrong player when requesting a supply box via the support menu
  • Fixed: After respawning, the player will now be the leader of his own group again
  • Fixed: Script error when players are not around the supply drop point
  • Fixed: Localization issues in MP (name of marker, FOBs and 3D hints)
  • Fixed: Catapult guys will move to the side when the player is getting closer in a UAV
  • Tweaked: Expanded task locations for infantry
  • Tweaked: FOB Casino will now be unlocked after the Telos base is captured
  • Tweaked: Casualties limits for end endscreen
  • Tweaked: Prevention/safeguards in code to prevent certain script errors
  • Tweaked: Fast travel condition due to JIP issues
  • Tweaked: Vehicles can appear in destroy structure task
  • Tweaked: Enemy supply and garrison income
  • Tweaked: Increased cost of AI vehicles (requiring more supplies)


  • Added: Mk18 to the robbers weapon pool
  • Fixed: Alarm circle marker was duplicating
  • Fixed: Prisoner will be returned to prison if he clips out
  • Fixed: Bail money was removed from the requester and also from robbers money pool at the same time
  • Fixed: Unlocalized marker
  • Fixed: Prison walls are indestructible now
  • Fixed: Release prisoners after bail was paid (dedicated server issue)
  • Tweaked: Bail can be paid from already delivered money


  • Tweaked: Position of HVT in the research base location
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