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Firing trigger AFTER kbTell call?

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I'm learning about Conversations to try and cut down on trigger use. Previously my conversations were multiple triggers with say3D going off at the right time, which although horrible, did lead to one benefit :
Tasking for example, I could link my triggers halfway through briefings to assign tasks when the conversation gets to the part where they're told what to do, and not right at the start of the conversation. Or at the very least, after the conversation has ended and my players have been told what to do.

Is there a way to receive a boolean when a kbTell call finishes? I've tried waitUntil {["event", "mission"] call BIS_fnc_kbTell;}; but this gives waitUntil a script object instead of a boolean, throwing an error.
I really want to stay away from syncing trigger timers!

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