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Town names.

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How do you add town names, Any help will be appreciated.

Also, I wanted to post pics of my island, Lidovia, but I don't have a host, so.........you know. biggrin_o.gif

Again, Help will be appreciated.


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You need a names class inside your islands class in the cfgWorlds section of your cpp.

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class Names


class airport


name="Cliff Isle Airport";



class milbase


name="Military Base";



The name in each of the classes, is just what you want to be displayed on the map. The first 2 parts of position are the x and y coords for where you want it to be. The last part, determines in what zoom level it will show(the higher the # is, it will show when you are more zoomed out).

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sad_o.gif I was also hoping visitor would have had a built in way to do this sad_o.gif

Oh well its easy enuff

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Also, I noticed in buldozer, the interiors of buildings are absent of objects!!!! Is this just another result of buldozer distorting the image or do I manually have to place the furniture inside???

If thats the case, I am horribly frustrated as I will have to redo my entire island!!!!!!!!!!! Pls help

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I dont think it is.... They appear empty in mine too but ingame they are there... Same happened with WRPEdit

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