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Event handler

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Hi there!

I have a question about Event Handler. There are "Dammaged" and "Hit" EH.

"Dammaged" string:selectionName,scalar:howMuch

"Hit" object:causedBy,scalar:howMuch

What is the difference between this two EHs. I confirm that "Hit" EH works when the unit is attacked and receives dammage, but can't confirm when "Dammaged" EH is called. Do you know when and in what circumstances "Dammaged" EH will be called?

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dammaged seems to trigger when a part in the vehicle is damaged, for example when you shoot a guy in the head, and do enough damage to damage the head (as in turn it bloody) the dammaged handler triggers with "hlava" selection name. Also, hit is only triggered where the unit is local while dammaged triggers for everyone.

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Quote[/b] ]dammaged seems to trigger when a part in the vehicle is damaged, for example when you shoot a guy in the head


the dammaged handler triggers with "hlava" selection name.

Can you apply "Dammaged" EH not only to human units but also to vehicle units? For example, tanks and choppers. It would be great if we could detect dammaged parts of vehicles, e.g. main rotor of chopper, leg of tank, cannon of tank and so on.

By the way, is "hlava" selection name defined by OFP? Can we change it or define new selection name?

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