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Surrender, Negotiations and War Crimes

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I would like to start a conversation about surrender, negotiations and war crimes in Reforger. These are niche concepts but i think their complexity and the strategic implications fit an ArmA title more than any other game.
Below are my personal suggestions for implementing these game mechanics to the game. I'd love some feedback, in particular about the balance in a pvp scenario and the difficulty of programming such features, and your suggestions to make this game even more unique.

Game restrictions for implementing a surrender mechanic: 
   - for a player to respawn it either have to be killed or to surrender to the enemy
   - stranded players could be given the option to respawn. 

Conditions for surrender:
The surrender option is viable when:
   - a set percentage of his squad is killed
   - player is stranded from his squad beyond a set distance
   - the squad's total health is below a set value, simulating a morale buff.
This should encourage squad cohesion.

   - assign a specific button for surrender when conditions are met
   - animation and audio cues to notify both teams
   - disarmament: player's weapons are dropped upon surrender
   - a set time from the decision to surrender to its activation in order to allow the animation to complete and the disarmament to be evident. In that time the player could take damage without penalty for the enemies.

   - the capturing team must be in close proximity for a specific duration to complete the capture. This gives the surrendering player's team a chance to intervene.
   - conditions like running, crouching, rearming or the capturing enemy recieving fire nullify the surrender condition

The surrendered player respawns in friendly territory.
An enemy base (maybe the closest to the capture) could be given the status of "holding captives". 
   - Capturing these bases could become a priority objective or it could simply add points for "liberating" prisoners.
   - Attacking the base holding captives may pose risks to the prisoners.
Upon capture, players could be replaced with AI units, and prisoners could be brought to the nearest base and relocated to other bases (just like moving supplies).

War crimes: 
   - killing surrendered enemies 
   - violating cease-fires (see negotiations)
Penalty could include a withold of supplies in the entire AO for a set period of time, simulating lost of support for the cause. The support could be restored by negotiations. 

   - It is agreed by both parties
   - This action sould be encouraged by giving points or supplies as rewards
   - Could restore supplies affected by war crimes
   - Prisoners exchange: frees captives held in bases
   - Cease-fire in agreed areas: buys time for reinforcements

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