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Built-in ingame voice system thingy?

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Is there a built in voice system in OFP? Like when I press Caps Lock a guys head comes to the lower left corner. There's also a microphone configuration setup in the prefrences. So is it possbile to use that to make players in MP to hear your voice? Does is have the same rules are typed mesages? Like sidechat only shows to the players side, groupchat to the group etc. And how can I use this? biggrin_o.gif


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There was a (very good) one, it worked up to v1.46. Or more correctly: it does not work with socket netcode.

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To clarify, the built-in voice code is still there, but you have to use the DirectPlay network implementation to use it, since it really is a part of DirectPlay.

Instructions on how to use it can be found in the most elementary of places -- the manual.

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Not really...

Nearly everyone around here suffers from an acute condition wherein the posessors of knowledge hoard it jealously and part with it begrudgingly like a miser with his gold.

Here is a thread in which the voice chat is discussed. My problem never was completely solved, but the thread contains explainations that the manual does not, thanks to several very helpful people.

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My experience is that you get good answers if a) there is a known answer to your question and b) you ask a understandable question. Most people NOT getting answers ask question like "i have a sound problem, tell me how to fix it, asshole."

I just looked into the thread you provided the link to, and your question has been answered even before you asked it (by the answers to the original posters: direct play, voice setup program, select channel, press talk key). And it's a question that gets answered from the manual too. There people writing here are not payed support people, they have a life too. They help most people most of the time, but when the answer is in the manual anyways then it is less work for all to just write that as a reply...

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Not closed yet wow_o.gif

Now it is smile_o.gif

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