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So many different camos

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was wondering what the deal is with all  the different camos, specially for the russian side, there is atleast 6 different camos that have been released


and then for the americans the BAS, SJB and the BIS woodland camo is all a little different

try this if picture doesnt work


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the camo on the left looks the best i think smile_o.gif

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was wondering what the deal is with all  the different camos, specially for the russian side, there is atleast 6 different camos that have been released

The simple answer, all of them are right.

There such an big variation on russian cammo... in one unit you could have many different cammos if you want it totally real.

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Thats because BAS emphasizes "hand made textures" and other mod teams (which most likely suck, like I do at texturing) use plugins like VDL Adrenalines camoflague plugin - which can randomize textures and the way they look. Its a nice plugin but not the best.

On top of that, there are several different styles of US camoflague including the "stinger" variety, "drab", "normal" (can't think of the name off hand), and now "marpat" camoflague. If you look around on the internet you might be able to find a site with different styles of camoflague from the past century.

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i was reading bout the russians fighting in chechnya and how they had lots of friendly fire, maybe its because they have so many different camo's?

thx for the info guys

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urban%20woodland%20camouflage.gif   urban%20tiger%20camouflage.gif

blue%20tiger%20camouflage.gif   red%20tiger%20camouflage.gif   city%20camouflage.gif

Obviously some of these aren't used. Some pictures of MARPAT style camo can be seen at digitalgrenade.com

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In Chechnya, the rebels are using anything they can get their hands on, which happens to be mostly Russian, so it must be difficult to tell friend from foe when they both wear mismatched camo and carry AK74's.

Russians seem to pick a camo pattern and make a huge variety of colour variations for it. The most modern standard pattern seems to be the "flora" pattern and can be found in many different shades and combos of green and brown:


from http://www.tridentmilitary.com/Russian.camouflage.htm

Another common pattern is VSR which is smaller cells in a more vertical arrangement. The classic spetsnaz camo pattern that I recognize is tigerstripe:


and also the older 'KLMK' summer pattern which the Spetsnaz in OFP already have: http://pvtpyle.com/Russian/KLMK%20Sniper%20OS.jpg

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I forgot how many different climatezones the former USSR has, but it goes from sub-tropic to arctic. Just imagine the differrent vegetations and diversity of color. It makes sense that the russians have so many different camo designs.

@ Rifleman, yes that played a big role, especially with special forces, who, apart from the tendency to "rambo-out" their gear, where for political reasons split up into different branches of the government (think MVD and FSB etc.), and at the beginning of the chechen war thrown back together. Result: a whole lotta different camouflage on the battlefield.

A lot of mistakes were made especially in the first chechen war. If you find stuff like this interesting, the i'll suggest you read this:


à found it to be very good reading.



EDIT: spelling

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Even for modern US forces there appear to be two kinds of woodland camo, one with sort of yellow and one with a more beige/pink color.

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