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Ive been working on some templates for a while, but never posted them, as they are always changing. Combined with the need to write long explanations about how to use them, ive never gotten around it.

So instead, for the time being, here is a basic template for objectives. Im posting it to encourage more mission making, especially with the need for more addon based missions. It's cut from a bigger complex template, but i think something simple is best place to start.

This is not really a tute, just a guide. It's easy to use, and can let you quickly set up a working sp / coop mission, with endings and basic briefing. This explantion is geared towards less experience editors, though anyone might find it useful.

+objectives template

(templates marked with + sit at top of mission folder, easier to find)

Objectives are a core part of the mission. They tell the player where to go, and what to do when he gets there. You can make specific objectives for interesting scenarios, or wide open ones to give player freedom as to how to complete it.

Setting up basic objectives and a briefing can make a basic editor mission into something releasable. It can also be done quickly if need be.

Open up the +objectives.intro file on the desert island (it needs the bas rangers addon). Turn on markers (F6).

The basics of this template are the objective triggers, the markers, the end triggers, and the mission.sqs

There are 6 objective parts setup, you can delete them from 6 downwards to the number you need (also just replicate them and change the objective numbers for more).

To set up an objective:

The only thing you have to do to the trigger is set a condition.

Ex. : Make the A + B Axis set to 100 meters, with the activation "East" "Not Present" for a basic clearing east soldiers from an area.

The triggers are set up as 0 x 0 as they are mainly for command based conditions in the  condition field.

Ex.  !alive enemyofficer

Would make objective go off when unit named "enemyofficer" is dead.


Ex !alive vehicle tank1 && !canfire vehicle tank2

would make Obj go off if tank named "tank1" is destroyed and tank2 can no longer fire (turret damamged or crew dead).

The offical comref, this forum and OFPEC

are the places to look for lots of different possible objective conditions. Just work out what you want the objective to be, then work out how to check that has happened.

The markers are for the briefing links, and genral map info. The icon marker can show text, the colour one is more an area marker. Both change colour to blue when objective is complete, you can alter the color in the mission.sqs, or delete them.

Just double-click on them and alter their size, color and shape to your liking.

So say for example you set up a quick mission, 3 objectives (always starting from 0) West player, SP.

0. Kill the uaz driver

1. Drive the UAZ to Montignac

2. Kill the enemy squad in Montignac.

So the "r0", and "r0m" markers are setup on the road, showing player a good ambush spot.

The uaz is named car1 in the editor.

Obj 0 Trigger would be:

size : 0x0

condition: !alive driver car1

Then, when you shoot him, objective is complete.

Obj 1 Trigger: Get to town in car

size : 150x150 (placed over town)

Activation: Anybody - Present

condition: player in thislist && car1 in thislist

When player arrives at the town in the stolen car, objective is complete.

Obj 2 Trigger: kill east enemy squad. Enemy squad leader has

enemysquad = group this

in his INIT field in editor.

size : 0x0

condtion: {alive _x} count units enemysquad == 0

Obj 2 is done when all enemy squad are dead.

Thats 3 easy objectives, and a nice little mission.

To round it off, the mission.sqs has been checking off the objectives, and switching some variables.

So go to the ending triggers, to End - Win, the one on the left.

In the condition field, put

obj0 == 1 && obj1 == 1 && obj2 == 1

Under "Effects" Tab of the trigger, add a camera:

Effect : Around Slow

Postion : Anything you want

And add a Title:

Type : Text

Effect : Plain

Text: Mission Complete

Then go to the second End - Win trigger, (the end#1 one).

In the Min,Mid,Max box, change 0, to 15 for each of them

That sets-up a little camera at the end of the mission, place the end trigger where you want the camera to appear.

In the End - KIA trigger, on the left

condition: !alive player

Again you can set up a camera or music and text, and delay the End - Kia end trigger by 15 seconds or so to let camera play.

Also, you can add a fail or incomplete option. Just add

!canmove car1 && obj1 == 0

to the fail or incomplete triggers, and set them up like the other endings.

That would mean the UAZ (car1) has been shot up, destroyed or crashed before the player got to town, as objective 1 (obj1 var) is set to 0 until tot objective is complete, then turning to 1.

The Obj vars can be setto any number, to make for quick refrencing of objective status.

Eg, if the UAZ is damaged, Obj0 is failed, and set to obj0=2

Another trigger can detect if obj0==2, of so a KLR is sent in to drive the player to town.

So there you have working ingame objectives.

The other two things to edit are the mission.sqs, and briefing.

Both things could be done in 10 -15 minutes for a small mission.


This is a basic script that checks off the objectives, changes marker colours, and checks off failed objectives if you die.

It can also be used to add and commands after an objective is complete, compressing all the basic mission scripting into one file. There is blank section called m1 as an example, it executed just like the objectives.

The main thing to change for any mission is the line

leader ops sidechat "Objective Complete"

ops is the player group name (can be any name you set).

Change the Objective Complete to what you want the player / squad leader / anyone to say when the objective is done. Or delete the line. You can off course play sound files instead of text, with "say" or "sideradio" commands.


Open the briefing with notepad or a text editior. Scroll

through it, notice there is Notes, Main, Objectives and debriefings sections. It is best to get familiar with the file in that form, as its easier to edit exactly as you want, and keep changing it.


Start with this line

Text and <a href="marker:markername">links</a>.

The marker name is name of a marker on your map, the links is text that will link and move to the marker in the briefing.

Add anything you want to notes, use <br> like enter.



spaces  paragraphs nicely ingame.


The main section, first thing you see when map loads.

Again, put anything. Keep in mind a few sentances fills up alot of space ingame, so dont over do it. Again, you can put in map link here, like above.

There are




spaces as a guide.


<a name = "OBJ_0"></a>Objective <a href="marker:r0">0</a>.

Are the line to edit. Example:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

<h4><p><a name = "OBJ_0"></a>Kill <a href="marker:r0">UAZ driver </a>.




<h4><p><a name = "OBJ_1"></a>Drive UAZ to <a href="marker:r1">Montignac</a>.




<h4><p><a name = "OBJ_2"></a>Neutralize the entire <a href="marker:r2">enemy squad at Montignac</a>.




Last part, Debrief.

The debriefs are stet up with the end triggers.

Edit the word to your liking, example:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">



<h2><p><a name="Debriefing:End1">Mission Complete</a></p></h2>




You stole the UAZ and killed the squad, well done soldier!





Save it, go into editor and hold down right SHIFT key as you press Preview, to see your briefing. If you post a few sentances on this forum you can write a briefing that will look complete.

So there it is, i hope that make sense and some people find it useful.

That stuff can easily connect to other template parts, like camera scripts, dialogs and images.

It is really easy to setup a working mission this way, especially something to check out new addons, or to make a fun skirmish accessable to other players.

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Ah well, at least i didnt bother writing full template explaination.

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I have found it very useful.....thank you. smile_o.gif

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I've had a good look at it, most of it i have already learnt and implemented or decided no to implement in my mission.

I agree, we should have a lot more addon based missions, so i am making one for Zeus Addon. I have been making it for a week now, the two testers i've got have said 'it has serious potential'. So in another few weeks when i get everything clockwork i will hopefully get it on Zeus Addon.

( If you're wondering.

Jay (aka:Jinef)

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Guest BratZ

Thanx , I'm rusty on missions, I saved the message and will be using it.


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