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Linux servers

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Hello, Tricky here

I was wondering if theres a website that tells you how to create a dedicated server in OFP on a Linux server? If not can anyone help me?

(if posted in wrong forum, i'm sorry)

Thanks for your help


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The official and easy way to do it would be to copy[1] your win installation to your linux box, d/l the linux ofp server file and run it in the ofp directory. Then edit your configs, run tolower and start the server.

I think CIA has a tutorial for linux server setup on their site.

The AvonLady FAQ is always a good place too biggrin.gif

[1] Either by burning it on cd and putting that into the server, WinSCP or FTP.

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Wait up, Im confused, what is Linix?

A Type of Windows XP but different?


A pack of computer items put togetheras seenhere?


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Linux is an operating system like win xp is an operating system. It is a free unix variant for pc style (and other) hardware. As most games have their dedi servers running on linux systems it's kinda hard to imagine you never have heard of it...

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Linux is an operating system like win xp is an operating system. It is a free unix variant for pc style (and other) hardware. As most games have their dedi servers running on linux systems it's kinda hard to imagine you never have heard of it...

I guess he was taking the piss benu ;)

Just a note on "copying your windows installation"

If you are uploading on a slow connection why not make use of kegety's tool which compress all NEEDED files into a nice compressed tar file to save space by compressing and leaving out the files a dedicated server doesnt use.


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What is the advantage of running a dedicated Linux OFP Server. Is it mainly so people can come and go as they please. Any insights from power OFP/linux users.

Also Where do I get the server files from

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To run an ofp server you need a good internet connection and a fast computer. Most of us don't have a fast internet connection at home (i am talking about 100mbit or some gbit connections here, not "fast" 700kbit dsl), so most dedi servers are rented from companies. Most of those companies offer only servers with linux as operating system, so you need an ofp server for linux.

There are other arguments for linux (scripting, network performance, stability/uptime), but as i don't have hard numbers to back those up i don't want to use them as my main arguments in favor of linux.

You can get the linux server from the official ofp site.

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Ok I have myself a linux server setup and running. I have figured out how to get it going and how to play using examples of the config file from CIA. I can get players on it and do the default mission.


How do I admin the server now.

Where can I find a list of commands that can be used on it. I cant figure out how to log onto the server as an admin. I have a password but dont know how to use it. I tried to use it from a client but it didnt recognize it. I also understand that someone can be voted as the admin. How does that work.

Where is he difinitive guide to admining a Linux server. Thanks for the info.

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There is a readme on your resistance cd iirc, called DS-Admin.rtf:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

#login <password> Login as server administrator

#logout Logout, but stay connected as a normal user

#init Reload server config file loaded by –config option.

#kick <player_name> Kick given player

#kick <player_number> Kick player with given number

#restart Restart mission

#reassign Go back to side selection screen

#mission <mission_name> Select mission with known name

#missions Select mission

#shutdown Shutdown server

#userlist Display list of all users

#monitor <interval_in_sec> Start server monitoring. Server CPU load and bandwidth usage is displayed in the global chat channel.

The default interval is 10 seconds. To stop monitoring type monitor 0.

So you log in as admin by typing "#login admin-pw" in the text field (where you type messages to other players) or by voting yourself with "#vote playername" or "#vote playernumber" (you get this from the output of the "#userlist" command).

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thanks for all your help. One more question. Getting new missions into the server. Is there something I need to do to a mission to get it to work properly. I added a mission to the server and tried to start it up. There server said reading from bank and sat there for ever. Do I need to run a program to get a new mission set up for the server. Thanks again for all your help.

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For a linux server the mission name must be completely in small caps!

Edit: Just run tolower after copying the missions (or any addons you want to use) on the server.

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As joltan said, it is important to run the tolower program after you installed new missions or addons.

In addition some missions need inofficial addons and just won't start without these addons. What's worse: some of this missions work without this addons when you test them on your computer but not on a dedicated server (i think this happens when there are addons noted in the addons[] section of the mission.sqm which are not used in the mission, but i could be wrong, i think there was a post from suma about these addon issues when resistance came out).

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You can also mount the old VFAT partition and run everything from there. No need for Small Caps etc.

YOu get stability, but without the hassle of redoing/moving the OFP dir.

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You guys have all been a great help. What i have noticed is that you need a pretty quick machine to be a dedicated server. My 400 aint cuttin it. Also I agree it seems that only certain addons will work. I made a mission with Cats Afganistan map and BAS addons and the system just sits there. I can pull up most of the missions from NakedSquid but missions with long intros and music chokes the server. I like the way you can monitor the server and boot people out etc. I will most like upgrade to > 2 gig cpu and >= 1 gig ram. Any other tuning advise??

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