RS30002 28 Posted December 27, 2023 ait so, i've made a World of Warcraft inspired quest hub system....namely, get to an area, talk to npcs, they give you quests (kill this, collect that, carry item from x to y etc etc)) and you get rewards. Questgivers have exclamation marks above them to alert the player, when you talk to them it gets deleted etc etc It's all supposed to culminate in the player earning a helicopter pass card to get off this settlement. It functions on this code in the npc init: call{triggerrichfshractive = false; richtalkaction = richfisherman addAction ["Talk to the rich fisherman", {triggerrichfshractive = true}, [], 6, true, true, "", "(richfisherman distance player)<5"];} and then the trigger is: condition: call{triggerrichfshractive}; activation call{HQ7 sidechat "Hello friend, my competitors have just acquired a brand new trawler, threatening my position on the tonnage leaderboard. Take the satchel from the box on the shelf, take my speedboat, intercept the trawler and throw it on board, see if the antisink compartments work as advertised eh?! You have 10 seconds after placing to make yourself scarce!"; richfisherman removeAction richtalkaction; deletevehicle RichFTaskQuest; [] execVM "scripts\MongerMafia.sqf"; richgliser setVehicleLock "UNLOCKED";} + HQ module representing each npc wishes: -i'd like the quest mark (exclamation above the npc heads) to "wiggle" a little or looks ehhhhh just hovering above. -i'd like to make the action unavailable if the npc dies (!alive next to the addaction distance condition at the end of the code?) -but most of all i'd like for y'all to give me some interesting (syntax correct) "task completion triggers"....or just ideas for menial tasks (i need to fill 3-4 houses with npcs and they need quests!) "spiritual" example of this last category would be: yesterday i wanted to attach an HQ communication to this in the questgiver talks to you once you pick up the panels (good job, bring it back to me) in the HQ format and i just couldn't write it properly into the line below....(HQ7 sidechat 'Hello friend.....') i suspect it has to do with the "" and '' because it kept crying about missing ;'s but when i took the HQ part out it worked. this addAction["<t color='#F9C68C'>Take the folded solar panel</t>", " deletevehicle cells; {PanelsTaken = true}; ",[],0,true,false,"","player distance _target < 3"]; Additionally, if all of this content that's in the init of the npcs and in the triggers and the HQ modules......if all of that can be created in a script, so that the editor gets decluttered....that wouldn't be bad as well. :D ty for any insights! (forum has a severe smiley problem btw, as in lack of) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RS30002 28 Posted December 27, 2023 Ayooooo, some questing spice: Quote unclelaptop setobjecttexture images\404error.jpg Quote call{HQuncle sidechat "My nephew sent you? He couldn't come himself? He owes me money for the last fish i sent! Nevertheless, you look like you're handy with computers. My stupid son messed up my Internet Explorer and now i cannot browse fat titty Asians on pornhub anymore. Fix it!"; unclefisherman removeAction uncletalkaction; deletevehicle UncleFTaskQuest;} Quote [ unclelaptop, "Fix the laptop", "\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\holdactions\holdAction_connect_ca.paa", "\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\holdactions\holdAction_connect_ca.paa", "_this distance _target < 3","_caller distance _target < 3", {}, {}, { LaptopFixed=true; unclelaptop setObjectTexture [0, "images\phub.jpg"]; } , {}, [], 5, 0, true, false] remoteExec ["BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd", 0, unclelaptop]; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pierremgi 4942 Posted December 28, 2023 You can test : addMissionEventHandler ["Draw3D", { { drawIcon3D [ "\A3\ui_f\data\map\markers\military\unknown_ca.paa", [0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5], [ (visiblePosition _x) select 0, (visiblePosition _x) select 1, 3+ (diag_frameno mod 60 min 30 + (-diag_frameno mod 60 min -30))/120 ], 1, 1, 0, "", 1, 0.03, "PuristaLight" ] } forEach (allUnits select {side _x == civilian}) }]; 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RS30002 28 Posted December 28, 2023 6 hours ago, pierremgi said: You can test : Ya it works, pretty nice and in the spirit of how i want it to. If i'd be nitpicking, the frequency of the oscillation would be ideal if it was more soft. And that marker itself isn't visible that well. Would prefer the 3D model of the exclamation mark from CUP (like in my pics) OR some code that makes this existing marker a different color. Mostly, tho, i'd like a different selection not whole side civilian to have these markers....not all of them are task givers. Some of them are targets, some of them are just there to talk one line to the player etc etc ty for your time New problem if anyone would like to throw an eyeball....this code below is working in a script but when i transplanted it to the editor trigger and wrote the vatiable for completion, it doesn't work? The idea is it completes when you do the initleaflet thing and the pic is displayed on your screen. [ missionNamespace, "objectInspected", { params[ "_leaflet", "_texture", "_text", "_sound", "_textureRatio" ]; if ( _texture == "images\Spypic.jpg" ) then { {DocumentSeen = true} }; }] call BIS_fnc_addScriptedEventHandler; [this, "images\Spypic.jpg", ""] call BIS_fnc_initInspectable; and completion trigger is: DocumentSeen AND ! (alive olmarinefisherman); Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pierremgi 4942 Posted December 29, 2023 if ( _texture == "images\Spypic.jpg" ) then { {DocumentSeen = true} }; // double {} if ( _texture == "images\Spypic.jpg" ) then { DocumentSeen = true }; 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RS30002 28 Posted January 1, 2024 Had a few days off before NY and today, so work on the quest hub is progressing nicely! Each house now has it's own quest giver, some have two or two levels deep. Smooth-ish exit from the water too. Also made some quest areas, where you get sent to, some have their own proximity triggered quests 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
j0nes 194 Posted January 2, 2024 its looking great! For testing, for the floating object animation take a look at the following functions: BIS_fnc_VRSpawnSelector BIS_fnc_BounceIn OR BounceOut OR BounceInOut creating a 'wiggle' will probably be more difficult than you'd like, it might be easier to just rotate it or something (which is shown in fnc_VRSpawnSelector). Theres probably a way to make the animation only fire when the player is looking at the unit but I cant think of a good one off the top of my head other than constantly scanning for a cursorObject. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RS30002 28 Posted January 4, 2024 The poster is made with midjourney and when i ran the pics of the settlement through it, it produced this and i want to build here now lmaooo ....anyhow.... main island is complete, thanks to deformer i was finally able to male a fully functional AI useful airstrip (tested with up to Boeing 737 size) on this island and now it's what it was always supposed to be! Has a civilian start area where you arrive from the settlement and tasks NPCs arealready there, 2 so far, with 1 or 2 more coming (idk if im not overdoing it, ive never actually played this from start, so idk how long it takes lmaooo, i just tested singular tasks for working triggers. and also done the start area, the very phenomenal LHD, with animated planes to make room on the deck for another launch or a landing (from the bridge or the launch deck console), working catapults, arrestor wires, welldeck with marines in APC (tied to TVs so you can see what they do), functional CIWS (against missiles/projectiles), boat rescue, chopper rescue, chopper CAS(tied to TV), 2 types of drone varieties all controlled through action menu and observed on their respective TV, ship cameras, initial work on cruise missiles done (it only flies 30km then it selfdestructs, i need a 40km range-idk how to solve), functional UGV deck tractor (accessible through the console), aircraft outfitting (GOM), automatic selfdefense CAP (properly spawned on deck and accelerated to flight) etc etc Aforementioned control room Tasks are complete up to the main island, missing only the last few tasks of destroying radar and AA up there and then coming back with the plane to bomb it Will almost certainly release this, although vacation December is over, but it's so far along now and i think so good it isnt fair if i hoard it all for myself lol :D the big work still needed: -cargo ship ambience (arrays of two sets of waypoints, each set on its side of the map and then using civilian ships from some mod that have an init code so they actually move in a straight line and are not just static objects. -overarching task for the quests in the settlement area, so that the player gets the final settlement quest when they are completed (flying off to the island as passenger in that yellow Mi2, listening to the pilot's monologue, flying past fishing boats, freighters, small boats) -aligning the texts i wrote for all the chats so that the picture presented is: this is enemy territory, you're hated, but while you have appropriate clothes on and do not behave funny, you're one of us and we're smuggling because we're poor fishermen and the soldiers are oppressing us. But we also compete against each other and pirates. It's a hard life. but they're also very petty. The island commander has a concubine, he bought a Mercedes for her and now the villagers are angry because their VW bug isnt the flashiest car anymore and they want you to destroy the Merc. lol Addon list is quite extensive though, at start i was trying to use only the big addons (SOG, GM, CUP)....but just doesnt work there's a few very small, immersion adding F-35 on the ship is the newest one with the interactive cockpit, the boats at the settlement are soviet block kazanka and progress (goes better with the scenery than zodiac or a RHIB), the LHD is actually not the CUP one but from the marine offshore pack (iirc). I tried to pick really good ones, so that odds would be good that thew players already have them. I started importing some chat lines into elevenlabs, but really, they don't have thick asian accent speaker, so it's kinda useless for now and immersion breaking if an UK/US/Aus accent bloke speaks to you about his life in the South China Sea. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
j0nes 194 Posted January 4, 2024 Quote phenomenal LHD If i have to be knit picky, the LHD doesnt have catapults, use the USS Freedom from A3 instead 👓 I'll also take this chance to shamelessly plug and thank the CAP guys for continuing to update the LHD after the standalone version broke. this looks really cool! cant wait to see the full mission! 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RS30002 28 Posted January 4, 2024 1 hour ago, j0nes said: If i have to be knit picky, the LHD doesnt have catapults, use the USS Freedom from A3 instead 👓 I'll also take this chance to shamelessly plug and thank the CAP guys for continuing to update the LHD after the standalone version broke. this looks really cool! cant wait to see the full mission! I hear you and i know that the LHD doesnt have a catapult in real life and i did try the carrier way, but imho it's just too big. Don't really want an empty deck, i want stuff that's alive....on here there's soldiers saluting, you get to interact with the crew etc etc....if i used the carrier it would imho need too much of this "interactability" to make it good,....i'd have to plug whole RickOShays carrier composition + add additional functionality scripts and at that point it feels it would take too many resources, idk i tried to make it as best as possible tho, there's a full launch sequence with a 5 or 6 man crew with animations, the guy infront of the F-35 has animations too, effectively handing you off to the crew on the catapult if you steer correctly. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pierremgi 4942 Posted January 5, 2024 19 hours ago, j0nes said: If i have to be knit picky, the LHD doesnt have catapults, use the USS Freedom from A3 instead 👓 I'll also take this chance to shamelessly plug and thank the CAP guys for continuing to update the LHD after the standalone version broke. this looks really cool! cant wait to see the full mission! Yep! Agree I spent my pilot career on board carrier vessels and the angle deck of a CVN allows bolters (skip arresting wires) while letting forward catapults free for scramble. The straight decks disappeared after ww2. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites