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Custom flags on cars

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I have broached this topic before but a solution was never provided.

I Have created a custom flag carrier for the consulate and have reasonable success (getting the thing to show up in the right place was a struggle but have got it there now).

However. getting a custom flag (small one which I can create) to flutter on the front wings of the Lincoln diplomat Limo has had me tearing out the little hair I have left.

Any new ideas with this one will be appreciated.

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I was going to suggest that you use a flag texture with

a transparency to make the original flag smaller, but I found

that the flag won't use transparencies for some reason.

oh well sad.gif

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I have managed to get the normal flag attached to a car, but that is only after it is assigned to a soldier/unit. Then the flag is the size of a normal flag. I have created a small flag using the same method as the larger flag, but getting it to show on the car is the main problem.

Here's a workaround using a static flag object jusing a multi-faced plane in O2 then giving the object a wrinkled look by moving vertices. It looks ok, but being inanimate it lacks life, which is what OFP is about.


The ones on the car can have their flag textures changed using setobjecttexture. However I'd rather pursue the idea of having a moving flag.

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just for info, what is the selection's name for the setobj.tex. command?

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Done some more experimenting, but the solution is still eluding me. I guess having working on the front of the car might be solved with OFP2. Oh, well.

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