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Dr Lothrian Remar

Multiplayer concept

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The basic idea behind this is to have a semi persistent world, that goes on for about a week before restarting. (Restarts to equal sides out)

Each side (Examples are American & Russian) has a large base, and the ability to have up to 200 Human players at the same time. When there is a difference between the sides numbers, AI take over until the sides are equally balanced.

Back to the game, the Russians must destroy the Americans and Visa Versa. This entails the use of human co-operation. Whilst AI is good, it will never beat human interaction and/or conflict.

To start off, neither team knows where the opposing base, outposts or units are. At character creation for the server, you chose the normal aesthetics and class (machine gunner, LAW etc.) The US Major (Server admin) sends out a request to scout for Base/Outpost/Units. You and 3friends take up the task.

You are given access to a Humvee by major (previously you were unable to use it), and you go off. You find enemy units, take them out, take co-ordinates, return to base, mission done. You are now given the ability to take out a Humvee from the vehicle compound anytime without permission.

Another mission example could be, the Russian Major has been given details of a small US group that frequently visit the town of Little Ville. (This US group is a human group, they have been found and studied by human scouts, or even the US major purposely sent them there to create a player mission)

The group has light armour, including a Humvee, and a Comanche helicopter.

You and your friends are given access to a Hind and your mission is to destroy the enemy units. You go, and find the town, and in the pub are the US Units, a swift Rocket attack destroys them leaving the Humvee and Comanche untouched. You take both these back to base. Your side now has access to 2 US vehicles that cannot be identified as enemy controlled until close up. You personally gained access to a Rocket Launcher.

The battle is won, when a series of set goals have been complete, the enemy base has been taken over or destroyed.

Obviously on such a large map, the purpose is less of war, but rather a new human non-death match challenge with a sense of character development.

Understandably, it would have to be servers such as Barry’s World that would host such games and since their servers are online 24/7, and attract a large number of players it could work.

Give your opinion to this alternative solution to OFP2 multiplayer.

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I like it alot...

Later on the servers could be on for a longer periods of time, and when they restart, you will have all your progress (avalible weapons and such) saved, so you can contineu to work with a charachter that you have started on before... that way it becomes a thing that people go back to and play for a longer time... that would be nice...

There could be as a campain with missons that last for one week or so, and then the next week a new misson starts (restart of the servers in between) and you can contineu with your charachter... and then you can choose to play how much you like to on each misson... smile.gif

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Well, in essense Planetside is a futuristic persistant version of OFP multiplayer.

I do believe this could be implemented without BIS moving too far away from what they originally had in OFP multiplayer.

To further add, the development of your online character will also add the 'materialistic-show-off' factor. An example of what i mean is that Player A is driving to a safe town in the US zone for a spot of socialising in a stolen, and shot up civilian car. Whilst Player A is chatting away about his war stories over a drink, Player B arrives in a Comanche helicopter. Which would you rather show off in?

This really soley affects the concept on online play in such a game mode, but wanting to be the best, or have the best of something drives people to play, such is the way MMO's make their money.

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Also it would be cool if the guy with the most skillz(leader for their side) in the game at the time can see everyone on the map except the enemy,Unless friendly units mark it on the map.

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You think at persistant battlfield ?

I think if BIS add (and BIS Make that, I'm sure) a Join in Game option, you can make this mission type without problem smile.gif

On bigger islands, with a good netcode.


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote ([sZ]Vladimir @ 09 May 2003,20:12)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">You think at persistant battlfield ?

I think if BIS add (and BIS Make that, I'm sure) a Join in Game option, you can make this mission type without problem smile.gif

On bigger islands, with a good netcode.

Vladimir<span id='postcolor'>

That's kind of what I was thinking about, but who is in that case going to make it???

I mean Who is going to have a good enough server and do all the work, saving all the stuff and such, but mabye it's not that much, I don't know... smile.gif

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Who ? a personn who have a good server for that smile.gif a big Battlefield1985 !

but we muss wait smile.gif we don't know how BIS optimize OFP netcode wink.gif


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote ([sZ]Vladimir @ 09 May 2003,23:25)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Who ? a personn who have a good server for that smile.gif a big Battlefield1985 !

but we muss wait smile.gif we don't know how BIS optimize OFP netcode wink.gif

Vladimir<span id='postcolor'>

I don't really know how much work it needs and how good the server have to be... but I guess that it can become quite a big projekt if someone starts it...

But as you said, we can just wait and see what's happening, untill BIS have improved the netcode there will not happen much in that way... smile.gif

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