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I\'m sorry..I know it\'s been said before...

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BIS and Codemasters..........

Your netcode and multiplayer format plain sucks.

Great game...can't wait until you fix it.

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I wouldn't go that far...

I would say it needs work but it is playable on smaller maps. The thing is... is that the dedicated server shouldn't require so much CPU... that seems to be the main issue. Basically it is running the game like you would on a full game. Other dedicated game server do not do this... and thus they require much less CPU.

These days Memory is not a real issue unless you have a memory leak which will eventually crash the server... so they need to tighten the code so there are no leaks. Usage is ok... just stop the mem leaks.

As far as Bandwidth... I have asked before and I will ask again. HOW do you get OFP to utilize more... we have huge pipes but OFP just won't use it up... seriously we have 20M+ at any given time available and OFP just will not use even 1/10th of that. No matter what load we put on it.

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I should have been a little bit more specific on my bi*ch....

My complaint is more towards the approach that BIS took to multiplayer...

I was on last night trying to play. GameSpy is just too GD slow, and the Eye didn't have a single game OL that was waiting for players. My only option was GS.....

Keep in mind here, I'm only on 56Krap....

I play other games OL, mostly Nascar Racing 4. Sierra uses their own MP servers, and I (almost) NEVER have any problems.

With OFP - lag with only 4-6 players is TOO common. With Nascar4 - 32 player races are the norm, and there are plenty of servers that run 42 players !!!!!!

I normally get pings of 129-192 on Nascar4 (on 56K!!!!!)....and the lowest I have EVER seen on OFP are in the high 300-low 400 range.

I know, I know.....join MP playing direct IP....but I still have pings in the 300-400 range, even then...

When I posted this last night - I was very frustrated. I tried to get in just 1 friggin game - I was OL trying to play for over an hour, and did not play once.

It's just frustrating when 1 game-maker gets it VERY right.....and another just doesn't.....

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I normally get pings of 129-192 on Nascar4 (on 56K!!!!!)....and the lowest I have EVER seen on OFP are in the high 300-low 400 range.

<span id='postcolor'>

The ping is almost not influenced by the game. It depends on network connection between you and the server. If you see higher pings with OFP than with other games, it is most probably because servers are not positioned as close to you as for other games.

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sgtdwetzel, the network requirements for a racing game and a first-person shooter are dramatically different.

For a racing game, you need the car's position and orientation, steering wheel position, maybe whether it's braking so that you can show tires smoking, but that's basically it. If you have 16 players in the race, you multiply that by 16.

For OFP, you have the soldier's position, orientation, speed, stance, weapon type, body position, current action, weapon loadout, and other things. If the player is occupying a vehicle, there is more data still. And this is multiplied not by the number of human players in the game, but by the total number of units on the map, including the AIs.

An analog modem just isn't going to be able to keep up with the bandwidth requirements of a map with lots of units in it.

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Suma...Frag...I know you are both right....

It's just frustration coming out....this is actually the first FPS I have ever enjoyed enough to buy...and I still play it often...

I enjoy sims over all else...and this is one of the better ones. I just wish it was possible to play it over 56Krap. The local cable company here (Adelphia Cable) is not known for the most reliable connections - lots of teething probs - thats why I'm stuck on dialup.

As soon as they get straight...you will not see me bi*ching any more about MP probs(hopefully LOL)

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I just noticed -- you hail from the land of the horse-drawn buggy. smile.gif

Sorry to hear that broadband is still out of reach for you. I think most of us who have had it for a while have suppressed all those memories of having to use dial-up connections, and all of the problems that go along with it.

The developers are really in a tough position, though. They have two factions screaming at them -- the ones who say that the software doesn't take advantage of new technologies that have become more-or-less mainstream, and the people who can't (or won't) upgrade.

A game like OFP wouldn't have been possible a year or two ago, only faster processors, more and cheaper memory, better video cards, and of course faster Internet connections have allowed it to become a reality.

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...and I just noticed you hail from the land that is warmer than here right now LOL

Trade ya...it hurt to put the golf clubs away for the winter :-)

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