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I would like to see the elevation taken from sea level no matter weather you are on land or in the water.

You can't setpos or anything across a bridge because once an object starts going over the water... it no longer takes the roadway as the elevation but the water below...so it makes a bad transition between the two...

inturn when you get position of the z plane it would be totally off on bridges and such...which could effect several scripting tasks

Same thing with stairs in buildings, it gets a lil crazy...

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I too want the elevation to be based on sea level, although you could have both.....

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Very true... it would be nice to have the option to get either the elevation in relation to the ground or sea level...

that way the altitude in helis and planes could still have the altitude above the ground/sea surface

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Perhaps having Elevation and Absolute evelation? Normal elevation is standard from ground to air. Absolute Elevation would be from sea level to the target.

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Just a quick little note. .....

It might be better to have 3 types of height...

absolute - which is not based on any land or sea reference (currently we can get the height above sea level, but it rises and falls with the tide....)

sea level- which would be for sea level ofcourse and in relation with the tide

ground elevation- self explanitory....

It seems also at the current moment using a camera view set to rel. position to the object in a loop...even if you are using the sea level elevation when crossing over land it still wants to jump around....possibly its not exact sea level height....

I just hope this can have an easy fix in the next ofp

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