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right boys and girls..... i know absolutely nothing about scripting and need help.... i am making a 'Nam mission (isn't everybody) and need ascript which if there is a patrol that doesn't reach its waypoint in say 5-10 mins an alarm goes off and guards spawn inside the base. OR one which detects dead bodies (unless they are hidden) when the next patrolling soldiers go by and then the alarm is raised.... please someone help

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P.s ADMINISTRATORS very sorry about the HELP! thing i know i should have put something like "Patrol Script" sorry sad.gif

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lol, you really ought to wait more than 30 minutes before you expect an answer tounge.gif

But to the answer, you can probably do the first part w/ a trigger. Make a trigger and group it to the patrol, then set it to All Group and Not Present, then add whatever time delay you want. It's not quite the same as a patrol not showing up at a waypoint, but it'll probably get the same job done.

To get the rest of the stuff to happen, just put something like PatrolMissing = true in the On Activation line of the trigger, then create another trigger that has a condition of PatrolMissing, and set it's sound to Alarm (put it in the base). To get some soldiers to spawn, you'd probably want more help, but a workaround I've used is to put the units way away from the action, and give them one waypoint which has a condition of PatrolMissing, then the next waypoint's On Activation field says something like group reinforcements1 setpos [getpos spawnpoint]... just change the group name and spawn name. The spawnpoint I ususally use is just a game logic, since they don't actually take up space.

I know you scripters are already falling over about how backwards it is to use triggers for that... but it works for some of us! wink.giftounge.gif

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