BigRed 2 Posted April 22, 2003 Ok here is the problem guys I tried using this script and tried adding BAS units to it but it kicks me out of the game any ideas? ;;BEGIN vrs.sqs ;; ;;VehicleType Loop by Sefe ;;Original script by Backoff ;;IMPORTANT: ADD A GAMELOGIC NAMED Server ;;to the mission to prevent multispawn ?!(local Server): Goto "end" _vcl = _this select 0 _respawndelay = 5 _dir=Getdir _vcl _position=Getpos _vcl _Vehicles=[] _WTrucks=["Truck5tOpen","Truck5tRepair","Truck5tReammo","Truck5t Refuel","Truck5t"] _ETrucks=["UralRepair","UralReammo","UralReFuel","Ural"] _CivTrucks=["TruckV3SGCivil","TruckV3SGRefuel","TruckV3SGRepair"," TruckV3SGReammo","TruckV3SG"] _Jeeps=["JeepMG","GJeep","HMMWV","UAZ","SGUAZG" ,"UAZG","Jeep"] _Cars=["Tractor","Rapid","RapidY","Skoda","SkodaBlu e","SkodaRed","SkodaGreen","Trabant"] _Helos=["Cobra","AH64","CH47D","UH60MG","UH60", "Mi24","Mi17","bas_kiowawarrior5"]<------------------HERE _Planes=["Cessna","A10LGB","A10","SU25"] _WArmor=["M1Abrams","M60","Bradley","M113Ambul","Vulc an","M113","BoatW","M2StaticMG"] _EArmor=["T80","T72","BMP2","BMPAmbul","BMP",&am p;qu ot;BRDM","BoatE","ZSU","T55G"] _Other=["Mash"] _Vehicles=_WTrucks+_ETrucks+_CivTrucks+_Jeeps+_Cars+_Helos+_Planes+_WArmor+_EArmor+_Other _i = 0 #Loop ? (_i > (Count _Vehicles)) : Goto "Skip" _VehicleType = _Vehicles Select _i _VehicleTypeDoesMatch = ((_VehicleType CountType _this) == 1) ? _VehicleTypeDoesMatch : _type = _VehicleType ? _VehicleTypeDoesMatch : Goto "Skip" _i = _i + 1 Goto "Loop" #Skip #start ~2 ?(Canmove _vcl):goto "start" ~_respawndelay deleteVehicle _vcl _vcl = _type createVehicle _position _vcl setdir _dir goto "start" #end Exit ;;END vrs.sqs Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Winters 1 Posted April 22, 2003 I am not sure why it does that but if you have version 1.91 this will work no problem i am using it in a mission that uses all BAS units for the west: </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_obj = _this select 0 ? not local Server : exit _pos = getPos _obj _dir = getDir _obj ;_type = "UAZ" _type = typeOf _obj #clear _t = 0 #alive ~3 ? not alive _obj : _delay = 60; goto "notalive" ? fuel _obj == 1 : goto "clear" ? count crew _obj != 0 : goto "clear" ? _t == 0 : _t = _time + 60 ? _t > _time : goto "alive" "_obj removeMagazine _x" forEach magazines _obj _obj setFuel 0 _obj setDamage 1 _delay = 10 #notalive ~_delay deleteVehicle _obj ~1 _obj = _type createVehicle _pos _obj setDir _dir goto "clear" <span id='postcolor'> Just give the script a name like vrs.sqs make a game logic and call it "server" and in the init field of any unit you want to use the script put: [this] exec "vrs.sqs" and your set, hope this helps  Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BigRed 2 Posted April 22, 2003 hmm I seem to of found out that for the Littlebirds it works fine but the KiowaWarroirs it shuts down OFP so I am not sure. I wonder if it has to due with the Warrior scripts that make the dust fly not sure. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest jacobaby Posted April 24, 2003 this was posted a similar thing in the kiowas thread. You need to wait long enough for one of the effects to finish, I cant remember which now...check the release thread for the kiowas. TJ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites