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After montignac (i know...)

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Although this mission seems to have been discussed several times, I do have a question about it. There seems to be a way solving this mision by steeling the UAZ in Provins. My question is: Is there a way to get out of the forest to the extractionpoint WITHOUT combat? We are talking about a classic "cut off behind enemy lines" mission here. In my opinion, the first and foremost action to be taken is "do not draw attention to your position". Up to now, I was always unlucky. I got shot several times. I even thought about leaving my computer on for 12 hours to wait 'till nightfall to finally get through to the evac point.

Is there a way to get to the evac point without fighting like Rambo?

remember the Alamo


P.S. Vietcong is great! trie it

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I managed to finish the mission and I only killed 2 Russians. You just need to stay low and sneak through the forests. Thats how I did it. But I don't think you can finish the mission without killing more than 1 Russian. Maybe there is a way to finish it without killing Russians.

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I kind of suck at computer games tounge_o.gif So naturally i didn't shoot that many russians in that mission. It took alot of tries for me but if you sneak around long enough and take big detours you should eventually make it smile_o.gif

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sometimes they came pretty close to me but the never noticed me on my way through the open field crowling from bush to bush. biggrin_o.gif

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I decided to try the this mission again. This is how i did it:

I ran out from the woods and ended up in Provins. I found a UAZ and got in it. That was when i realized there was a bmp there. So i panic and drive as fast as i can away from the city. So after calming down a few second i drive to morton. But just before i enter morton the radio tells me to go to the new evac place so i drive there... and the mission is done smile_o.gif

-Small Spoiler Warning-

<span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>The next mission where you'r supposed to be captured i hit 4x speed and ran to the woods - im once again a free man but still the mission ends and says im captured  mad_o.gif  wow_o.gif  wink_o.gif</span>

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This mission got me hooked, a long time ago...I tried every possible way lol.

you can manage to do it without killing. Just head east, keep a low profile when patrols are around, continue and cross the street, further east then south as soon as you think there's enough cover.

Then head S through the woods until you reach the resistance camp.

I hope I got the directions straight, writing this out of my head after 18 months or so...

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I did it like dogmeat , take your time...stay as much as you can into the forest , well i moved from forest to forest and when i was on a free area : " Run forest , run" ;)

I needed bout 4 or 5 tries to get it done

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I just went into map mode hit the x4 speed button and ran and it only took me two tries bit scary really the russians cant hit a man sized target

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