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Configging custom icons for mods

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Back in the day years ago I had gotten this to work. Now it doesn't work, as I'm trying to have the mods that appear in the Arsenal show the custom icon. here's what I have for my code for my helos:


class Mod_Base;
class CfgMods
	class EricJ_UH60: Mod_Base
		name="UH-60 Pack A3";
		description="EricJ UH-60 pack";
		tooltip="EricJ Arma 2 UH-60 port";
		tooltipOwned="EricJ UH-60 A3 - Owned";
		overview="UH-60 Arma 2 port featuring helicopters redone for A3";

I have the dlc=EricJ_UH60 in the requisite lines for the vehicles and guns, but no worky, just shows the puzzle piece and not my custom icon.

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For some unknown reason they took out the feature from configs and moved it to a mod.cpp file that needs to be in the root of the mod folder and looks something like this:

name = "SJB Weapons";
picture = "\SJB_A3_WeaponsCore\SJB_ca.paa";
actionName = "Website";
action = "https://sjb-addons.co.uk/";
logo = "\SJB_A3_WeaponsCore\SJB_ca.paa";
logoOver = "\SJB_A3_WeaponsCore\SJB_red_ca.paa";
logoSmall = "\SJB_A3_WeaponsCore\SJB_ca.paa";
dlcColor[] = {0.35,0.35,0.1,1};
tooltip = "SJB";
tooltipOwned = "SJB Owned";
overview = "A collection of weapons and attachments made available by Jackal326 and Eddie Price for Arma3.";
author = "Jackal326/Eddie Price";
overviewPicture = "\SJB_A3_WeaponsCore\SJB_ca.paa";


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I've seen that, and assumed that too, but okay thanks man.

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Just now, EricJ said:

I've seen that, and assumed that too, but okay thanks man.

No worries. I honestly don't know why this functionality was changed - it started out as only working in mod.cpp format, then you could do either cfgMod or mod.cpp and now only the mod.cpp method works (unless I'm doing something wrong 🤷‍♂️).

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Yeah I don't understand it at all myself why they changed something that worked good. I'll have to work on the mod to get it to work now, as I know where I can find a mod.cpp file to mess with.

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