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Make AI say random sentences

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Hello ! 

I'm doing a mission where a BLUFOR talks to you when you get close with a trigger.

It works very well, the problem is that I'd like it to have several sentences available, and that each time you move away from it then move back towards it, it would "randomly" choose between one of these sentences, to add realism and not repeat himself constantly.

Can anyone help me on this ? 


Here is how I did the mission :


(First code - brief.bkib 

Second - chat1.sqf

Third - description.ext)

class Sentences
    class Brief_Bob_Line_1
        text = "What are you looking at ? Go to the fight you coward lazy ass motherfucker !"
        speech[] = { "\chat\lol.ogg" };
        class Arguments {};
        actor = "Bob";

class Arguments {};
class Special {};
startWithVocal[] = {hour};
startWithConsonant[] = {europe, university};
["Briefing", "ConversationsAtBase"] call bis_fnc_kbtell;
class CfgSentences
    class ConversationsAtBase
        class Briefing
            file = "brief.bikb";
            #include "brief.bikb"

And I have a /chat file where I have the "lol.ogg" + "lol.lip" for the lip sync.

In my mind there would be multiple .ogg files in the /chat that the IA could use each time the trigger gets activated.






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Just this morrning i've try some line to do this kind of stuff, i hope this will help you



 _rNum = selectRandom [1,2,3];

if ( _rNum == 1 ) then {  your code  };

if ( _rNum == 2 ) then  { your code };

if ( _rNum == 3 ) then  { your code };


this select a number bewteen 1,2 or 3 : selectRandom


You can add number as you need. I've use this to make random answer with an action in my mission, it's work SP/MP, i use it with Simple conversation script by R3vo


My script look like that :




 _rNum = selectRandom [1,2,3];

if ( _rNum == 1 ) then { line1 = ["Grognon-6", "Bonjour, nous sommes là pour vérifier que tout va bien dans votre ville, avez-vous vu ou entendu quelque chose ?"];
line2 = ["Civil", "Bonjour, merci de vous soucier de nous, le climat actuel est tendu mais tout va bien par ici."];
line3 = ["Grognon-6", "Merci à vous, bonne journée!"];
[[line1,line2,line3],"Direct",0.06,false] execVM "fn_simpleConv.sqf";
playSound ["intero1", true];
sleep 7;
playSound ["intero21", true];
sleep 7;
playSound ["intero3", true];

if ( _rNum == 2 ) then  { line1 = ["Grognon-6", "Bonjour, nous sommes là pour vérifier que tout va bien dans votre ville, avez-vous vu ou entendu quelque chose ?"];
line2 = ["Civil", "Bonjour, votre présence me rassure mais je n'ai rien d'intéressant à vous signaler."];
line3 = ["Grognon-6", "Merci à vous, bonne journée!"];
[[line1,line2,line3],"Direct",0.06,false] execVM "fn_simpleConv.sqf";
playSound ["intero1", true];
sleep 7;
playSound ["intero22", true];
sleep 7;
playSound ["intero3", true];

if ( _rNum == 3 ) then  { line1 = ["Grognon-6", "Bonjour, nous sommes là pour vérifier que tout va bien dans votre ville, avez-vous vu ou entendu quelque chose ?"];
line2 = ["Civil", "Bonjour, je ne sais pas si c'est vrai mais il se dit que le CSAT prépare quelque chose, mais je n'en sais pas plus."];
line3 = ["Grognon-6", "Merci à vous, bonne journée!"];
[[line1,line2,line3],"Direct",0.06,false] execVM "fn_simpleConv.sqf";
playSound ["intero1", true];
sleep 7;
playSound ["intero23", true];
sleep 7;
playSound ["intero3", true];


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