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Problem with old mission i.e. VirtualAISquad

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I created a mission some time ago that uses the Global Mobilization DLC and the CBA_A3 mod. I have not run the mission for a long time and now when I start it I get error messages:


Bad Vehicle Type Virtual AI Squad




mpmissions\__CUR_MP.gm_weferlingen_summer\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item65.type:Vehicle class VirtualAISquad no longer exists


I searched mission.sqm and found two references to VirtualAISquad. They refer to light emitters.  I don't see the emitters in the Eden editor and when I comment out the offending classes and try to start the mission Arma 3 crashes.


I don't know how to proceed.

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Posted (edited)


Same here. seems the VirtualAISquad is a vanilla Module, but got removed in recent update?




VirtualAISquad is deleted from the link above.

Can only be found here:


Edited by HBAOplus

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