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Can i make all tasks assigned?

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Is a way to make all task to be assigned simultaniously at the beggining of the mission? I want this because player can assign only one task at the time and this makes impossible for doing two task at the time on one objective. For example the player have main task to attack and clear an enemy compound and as optional task to destroy communication antenna. At the start of the mission you can assaign one of the task but if you select the main task (no matter auto assign or manual assaign), the task system will not work for the optional task (destroy antenna). The player cannot complete some tasks because he cannot select more then one to be evaluated at the same time. I simply cannot believe the task framework is so dumb?! 

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15 hours ago, Vadym Mazur said:

Task does not have to be selected to complete it


This statement is completely false in MP on dedicated.  Task have to be assaigned to be completed and you cannot assaign more than one at the time, so no parrallel tasks possible. 

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