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Object count question(s)

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Ok so iv made scenarios for many years and i have a good sense of how to optimise a mission. However with my new scenario,its a bit different. Its persistent,and its based on the entire map of a pretty already detailed terrain ,chernarus 2.0.


Within this survival open world scenario,iv recreated many points of interest including full blown towns. Im currently sitting at 3,600 manually placed objects(alot of them,evenly distributed around the map),baring in mind object view distance settings or a average players OBJ dis settings.  I test alot,and havent noticed any slow down(nothing much at least,everything costs something) but im running on a good rig,an i7-13700 will 32GB RAM/ SSD and a 3060ti. I understand not everyone may have a beefy CPU or GPU(Though CPU i proirity here). 


So my question is,whats a realistic limit of objects i can manually place on the map(all simulation disabled/simple object where possible) before i reach a limit? Or an average CPU would reach its breaking point in your own experience? What i want...or envision,is needing around 3 times that number. We are talking over 10,000 objects. With simulation disabled,and well spaced out,do you think its possible? i dont want a laggy scenario nor other users with weaker rigs to struggle.


My scenario is here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3050920861


Perhaps you can get an idea of what im trying to build over the course of a few months,constantly adding to the map,adding ponds where they dont exist,creating towns from chernarus plus where they dont exist here etc etc,and fleshing it out. Im really determined to bring the Dayz standalone map to Arma3 even if i have to manually make it to the best of my ability.


Oh and as an aside: has there ever been a port of the Chernarus plus "town houses" (the ones with 2-3 floors that are Arma2 models but enterable)? Livonia has many buildings resembling standalone/arma2 houses which are opened up but not these town houses. i love them

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13 hours ago, EO said:

Worth a read, assuming you haven't already....https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Simple_Objects

Yeah thanks EO. I already use simple objects where i can,but not all objects can be simple. Infact,when setting comositions,building areas etc i try to choose assets that CAN be used as simple over ones that cant. Still though,not enough variety in what can be made "simple".


I think i may look into spawning compositions on demand but im pretty sure it will be more taxing and probably not perfect. And i think my best solution is to simply go with what i want and what my CPU can handle in terms of amount of objects,but upload a "light" version o the scenarios going forward.

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