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I know this not the game yah really wanna play when everyone out here spamming grenade launchers over and over again to get kills  a game of Whack a Mole. I really wish the Xbox community not result to just childish gameplay techniques when in a gun fight. Once again i will not argue with the community on this if yah Love it Im good not the Arma I want to play. Honestly Tho Xbox Community we got to due better it shame we got to go the developers to fix this issue as people are running around with 11 grenades in their back packs. 

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Hmm, iirc in Arma games prior to 3, you've had limited slots for things like UGL projectiles. It's difficult, on one hand I like the freedom to be able to fill up whole carrying potential for specific situation and on the other, you do get things like grenade spam in PvP. Perhaps there could be a mission side solution that designers could implement rather then global one. I'm not too familiar with Reforger editor mechanics but in Arma 3, you could script limitations on that sort of thing relatively easy for infantry centric PvP scenarios.

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