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New world created but can not drive a vehicle

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sorry for the bad english.


I created a new world (terrain, as explained in the wiki), everything works so far.


As soon as I go to the map and spawn a vehicle, it is in the ground and can not drive it. ( https://prnt.sc/wViyBWSXTb-c )


Did I forget a setting or what is the reason?
No matter where on the map, the same problem :(

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Could you clarify what you mean by "Must activate the layer "default" for terrain."? I am having the same issue and have even tried pushing it to the workshop to test it out of the editor with no luck.

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I too would like to know what this issue is and how to solve it


I figured it out. If they wont move while playing then go to your GenericTerrainEntity's properties, go to Layers, make sure "terrain" is ticked

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1 hour ago, Dr.Robot said:

Could you clarify what you mean by "Must activate the layer "default" for terrain."? I am having the same issue and have even tried pushing it to the workshop to test it out of the editor with no luck.

If they wont move while playing click on your terrain then in object properties go down to layers and there will be a box that says terrain, ensure "terrain" is ticked

  • Thanks 1

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hola no se si aun resolvieron el problema pero tenia la misma duda y ya logre poner en marcha los cars.Deben ir la su Terrain Entity y en las propiedades buscar la pestaña Layers y marcarla opcion de Default.Asi les funcionara sin problemas

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On 10/18/2023 at 3:43 PM, Dr.Robot said:

Could you clarify what you mean by "Must activate the layer "default" for terrain."? I am having the same issue and have even tried pushing it to the workshop to test it out of the editor with no luck.


Probably you guys are creating a world and just dropping assets over that without running the Plugin > GAME MODE SETUP where the WorldEditor tool drops for you all the basic managers you need to have for a basic run in-game.

Also, make sure that ALL objects dropped on the map they are snapped to the ground by right-clicking over them and selecting the option "Snap to ground". If the object disappears, just Ctrl+Z, press W, up a few meter from the ground, and try again.


For more clarification, check this out:



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