This topic is a practical and objective step-by-step for new Reforger Editors who are coming in. After here, you will be ready to explore your creativity through the World Editor tool much more painlessly instead of going around in circles, trying for hours to make your mission run properly.
Feel free to suggest updates, tweaks, and improvements around the tutorial below.
Most recent tutorial update: 2024 Sep 18th
Project Setup
Coop Mission Features
Mission Creation (skipped)
Final Touch & Publishing
More Details
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About this chapter: Just once needed by PC.
On Steam, install Arma Reforger Tools and open it;
In Enfusion Workbench Launcher, click on Add Project and, after that, on Add Existing Project;
Go to your Arma Reforger folder in the Steam folder, and open the ArmaReforger.gproj file;
Steam path example: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma Reforger\addons\data\
About this chapter: Just once by Campaign/Lone mission project.
In Enfusion Workbench Launcher, click on Add Project and, after that, on Create New Project;
Give a project name and select the location where the mission files will be allocated.
Recommended: pick a custom location where you have more control of your backups;
Open your recently created project and welcome to the Enfusion Workbench interface;
In the Resource Browser left column, select your project folder based on your project's name chosen;
On the same place as the addon.gproj file, with right-click or through the Create button, create the folders "Worlds", "Missions", and "Images";
Now, open the World Editor somewhere on the Enfusion Workbench interface;
On the World Editor, click Load World and select the base world (map) you want to use for your mission. Examples:
ArmaReforger > worlds > Arland > Arland.ent
ArmaReforger > worlds > Eden > Eden.ent
After the map is loaded on the screen, click Create New World and select Sub-Scene;
After the loading, save it in <YourProjectFolder>/Worlds/here_name_of_my_mission_without_spaces_and_special_characters;
About this chapter: for each mission inside your project.
Very basic:
Double-click over the "default" layer shown in the Hierarchy area, and select through the top menu the option Plugins > Game Mode Setup;
Make sure the template selected is ScenarioFramework.conf, and press the Next, and Scan World buttons;
No worries about the Missing Entities list. This is expected. Just go forward, click on Next again, and then Create entities;
A new list is shown with other entities to check. Just press Re-scan and after that, Next;
Now, let's create your mission header file: press Create header;
Click over "Yes to All" for that Script Authorization Required pop-up. Click Next too, and finally Close button;
Probably your Mission Header will be opened on the screen. If so, you can close it or fill in the fields with what you already got;
Recommended: uncheck the Override Scenario Time And Weather.
Remember these tips:
Coop/PvE missions in Arma Reforger are called Combat Ops;
In the World Editor:
If you need to find an object/entity/asset listed in the Hierarchy area, select the element and press the "F" key to fast travel to the object position on the map;
It's highly recommended you create new layers in the Hierarchy area to smart organization and prevent erasing things accidentally: using the layer lock option;
Always double-click over the layer you are working on to send the new things to the right layer;
AI improvement:
If the selected world is not a custom one, delete the SCR_AIWorld, replacing it with a specialized AI with the world's name in the script (SCR) AI name, e.g. SCR_AIWorld_Arland if you are using Arland world. To find the options, use the Resource Browser right below the 3D viewer;
Important: if you get an error message, no worries, click on Retry or just Esc it and check if the new AIWorld is in the Hierarchy area. If not, try again;
Now, just for this example purposes, I'm assuming you selected Arland World. That said, in the Hierarchy area, click over your SCR_AIWorld_Arland;
You'll see through the Object Properties area three components called NavmeshWorldComponent. Click on the first one:
On Navmesh Settings > Navmesh Files Config > Navmesh File, configure it with: ArmaReforger > worlds > MP > Navmeshes > Coop_CombatOps_Arland.nmn or that related to your map choice;
To finish this AI improvement, go to the third/last NavmeshWorldComponent listed initially;
On Navmesh Settings > Navmesh Files Config, configure the Navmesh File with the option (click on "..." symbol): ArmaReforger > worlds > MP > Navmeshes > LowResArland.nmn or that related to your map choice;
Spawns & Player Loadouts:
Important: if you start the chapter section, don't run your mission without completing the whole thing, otherwise errors will come to you on the screen;
In the World Editor window, look to the Hierarchy area, click over the GameModeSF and, going over its properties area, select the SCR_BaseGameMode. In the Game Mode area:
Uncheck Auto Player Respawn if you wanna prevent dead players to respawn automatically;
If the players are still respawning, you can create a trigger that deletes the spawn point after all players spawn for the very first time;
Uncheck Allow Faction Change if you wanna prevent players from changing their faction if more than one is playable;
Check Use Spawn Preload;
Let's define the playable faction(s) and their loadouts:
If you won't build a US vs USSR mission, or you just want full control over the factions, delete the FactionManager_USxUSSR and the LoadoutManager_USxUSSR, both in the Hierarchy area;
Through Resource Browser, look for, and bring it somewhere on the map;
Make the same with, bringing it on the map;
Click over your FactionManager_Editor already in the Hierarchy area, and over SCR_FactionManager in its Object Properties, open each of SCR_Faction:
Check the Is Playable box for that faction you want the players to use;
If you don't want to see players changing their factions by another playable one, uncheck Can Change Faction playable;
Click over your LoadoutManager_Base already in the Hierarchy area, and over SCR_LoadoutManager in its Object Properties:
In the Loadout Manager area, click to add at least one Player loadout by clicking over the plus (+) button and selecting SCR_FactionPlayerLoadout;
For each loadout added, set a unique role name (e.g. Squad Leader);
In Loadout Resource, click over the "..." and select one of these examples specific to Squad Leader:
ArmaReforger > Prefabs > Characters > Factions > BLUFOR > US_Army >
ArmaReforger > Prefabs > Characters > Factions > OPFOR > USSR_Army >
ArmaReforger > Prefabs > Characters > Factions > INDFOR > FIA >
In Loadout Image, click over the "..." and select one of these examples specific to Squad Leader:
ArmaReforger > UI > Textures > EditorPreviews > Characters > BLUFOR > US_Army > Character_US_SL.edds
ArmaReforger > UI > Textures > EditorPreviews > Characters > OPFOR > USSR_Army > Character_USSR_SL.edds
ArmaReforger > UI > Textures > EditorPreviews > Characters > INDFOR > FIA > Character_FIA_SL.edds
In Affiliated Faction, type one of these options: US, USSR, or FIA;
Let's create the player's spawn points:
In Resource Browser, search for the faction spawn you want to (examples below), and drag and drop it over the exact spot on the world you want that faction spawn;
ArmaReforger > Prefabs > MP > Spawning >;
ArmaReforger > Prefabs > MP > Spawning >;
ArmaReforger > Prefabs > MP > Spawning >;
Through the Hierarchy area, select your new SpawnPoint and go to SCR_SpawnPoint in the Object Properties area;
Verify if the default settings fit as you need;
Still in the Object Properties, click over SCR_MapDescriptorComponent;
In the Main Type field, set Spawnpoint;
In the Unit Type field, set Infantry;
In the Faction field, set the faction index (single number) must spawn there (by default: US=0; USSR=1; FIA=2)
Important: to confirm the faction index, go to your FactionManager, click on the SCR_FactionManager, and check which number is in the Order field;
Save your mission and run it by clicking on the green play button to make sure everything is happening exactly as you want;
Important: if you are facing some error on the screen, close all Reforger tools, re-open them, and check each step from this part of the chapter;
Including the Screen to Select Squads & Loadouts available:
In the Hierarchy area, click over the GameModeSF and, going over its properties area, find the SCR_RespawnSystemComponent component;
In the Spawn Logic option, right-click over SCR_AutoSpawnLogic, select Change Class, and after that change it to SCR_MenuSpawnLogic;
Save and run your mission to see the new screen before the mission starts.
[OPTIONAL] Including the Mission Briefing Screen:
In the Resource Browser window, make sure you already cleaned the search field, and go to the folder Arma Reforger > Configs > Journal;
Over the Journal folder, right-click and select Transfer to <your project folder>;
A popup window will be shown, uncheck all options, but Journal_CO_Arland.conf (don't worry if you are using another world, we need just the file model);
Go to the Enfusion Workbench window, and verify if a copy of the Config folder structure now belongs to your project too;
If the transference didn't send the Journal_CO_Arland.conf file to your mission (bug in v., do it manually:
Still in the Resouce Browser of the Enfusion Workbench window, go to ArmaReforger > Configs > Journal;
Over the Journal_CO_Arland.conf, right-click and Duplicate to <yourProjectName>;
Open your journal/briefing file and, if it's not for the US faction players, change for the correct one through the Faction Key field (e.g. FIA or USSR);
Don't forget to edit this file with your mission information now or later;
Back to the World Editor window, in GameModeSF properties, click on the Add Component button, and add the option SCR_EditorRespawnBriefingComponent;
Look for the Journal Config Path option, and find through that field the path to your mission journal (briefing);
In the Info field, click on Set Class and select the option called SCR_UIInfo;
Save the project and run the mission to check if it's working fine;
Supplies, Electricity & Other Resources:
In the World Editor window, look to the Hierarchy area, click over the GameModeSF and, going over its properties area, select the SCR_BaseGameMode. In the Game Mode area:
If you don't want to use supply costs management when an arsenal is added, go to the Disabled Resource Types, and add Supplies;
Electricity grid (soon with Reforger's next major update);
Logic of hostilities:
In Arma Reforger, by default, all factions are enemies of each other. If you need to change it:
Click over your FactionManager_Editor already in the Hierarchy area, and over SCR_FactionManager in its Object Properties;
In Factions, pick up one through SCR_Faction options, go to the Friendly Factions Ids field, and set who is friendly for that faction, using the id's US, USSR, or FIA. Below are some logical results:
If US is friendly with FIA, automatically both are enemies of USSR;
If US is friendly with USSR, automatically both are enemies of FIA;
If US is friendly with FIA and USSR, automatically FIA and USSR are enemies to each other;
[OPTIONAL] Preparing AI to Use the Dynamic Spawn/Despawn:
For Coop/PvE/CombatOps mission, in the Hierarchy area, select GameModeSF;
In its Object Properties area, click on SCR_GameModeSFManager, right-click over it and, after that, Change Class;
Select SCR_GameModeCombatOpsManager and turn on the Dynamic Despawn;
About this chapter: for each mission inside your project.
Now, explore your creativity and ability to make your mission true. Set units, compositions, waypoints, etc. A good quick start is here in the official basic guide.
About this chapter: for each mission inside your project.
[OPTIONAL] Customizing the Squads' Sizes and Names:
If you want two or more squads available for a player faction, in your FactionManager, go to the SCR_FactionManager in its Object Properties, after that in Factions and the specific SCR_Faction you want to custom;
Find the option called Create Only Predefined Groups and check its checkbox;
After that, in Predefined Groups, click on the plus (+) button to create one custom player squad for the faction;
All you need to do is set the number of slots that will be available for players in this specific squad through the Group Size field;
[OPTIONAL] Customizing the Player Loadouts:
[OPTIONAL] Adding Markers on the Map:
In the World Editor, and through the Resource Browser area, go to ArmaReforger > Prefabs > ScenarioFramework > Components;
Drag and drop somewhere on the map an;
Drag and drop a into the Area created in the Hierarchy tree;
Now, for each faction marker you want to create, do it:
Drag and drop a into the Layer recently created and listed in the Hierarchy tree;
Click over that SlotMarker created, go to its properties, and click on SCR_ScenarioFrameworkSlotMarker;
Through the Map Marker area, give the marker a name, and select its icon, and color.
[OPTIONAL] Customizing the Mission in-game HUD:
Turn off the "PlayerName die!" notification:
In GameModeSF, go to SCR_NotificationSenderComponent and, in the Kill Feed Type field, change to Disabled;
Turn off or on the friendly names over the player's head:
In GameModeSF, go to SCR_NametagConfigComponent and, in the Config Path field:
If leave it empty, no name over any head;
If configured with NametagFriendlies.conf, only friendly unit names over their heads;
[OPTIONAL] Customizing the Time and Weather:
Return to World Editor of your mission and select GameModeSF through the Hierarchy column;
On the Object Properties area, check if you already have listed the component called SCR_TimeAndWeatherHandlerComponent. If not, add it via the Add Component button;
On that component features, custom the time and weather as you want, but don't check the option Allow Header Settings (still broken nowadays);
Updating the Mission Header (mission information, available slots for players)
In the Enfusion Workbench window, go to <yourProject>/missions/<yourMission>.conf;
In the Path field, set this: Missions/<yourMission>.conf;
Up-to-date more mission information as Name, Author, Game Mode (Coop, for example), and Player Count;
Important: Time and Weather settings are still broken in the Mission Header (World Editor v1.1.0.42);
[OPTIONAL] Adding a Custom Image to the Mission Loading Screen:
Check this post.
Publishing the mission on Reforger Workshop:
Save the mission;
In the Enfusion Workbench interface, go to the top menu and click on Workbench > Publish to Workshop;
Make sure your mission title is correct and you have a cool Preview Image to select;
Check the categories make sense for you (like Scenarios_SP and Scenarios_MP for example);
If you flagged the mission as Public, you will see your content visible for all Reforger Players in-game and, also, on the Arma Reforger Workshop Website;
In the Summary field, I recommend you annunciate the main mission's objective;
In the Description field, I recommend you set the whole mission briefing. If you want some model, check out my briefings;
Press Publish;
Updating your mission:
Open Arma Reforger Tools;
Select and open your mission in Enfusion Workbench Launcher;
Go to the top menu and Workbench > Publish to Workshop;
In the Change Notes, write what was changed in the new version;
Press Publish;
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I do recommend you dive deep into the @Blackheart_Six playlists on YouTube where he's teaching lots of things through hours of videos:
And of course, here in the BIS Forums community is the best place to share ideas, solutions, and challenges.
If I do not answer you after 90 days, copy and paste the entire topic and keep the work updated and alive for the community.
thy @aldolammel