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sector control has problem with owner

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hello guys, i have a trouble with sector owner.
i have 3 factions (west, east, independent) that can conquer a sector, infantry has 1 but players have 60 ... so they have priority on con conquering.
the problem is that the sector become "half-conquered" ... i mean its like bots are negating sector ownership, and in fact when they are present in the sector, the owner result the default one (civilian).
the icon has a "side bar" of the conqueror, but still has the flag of the civilian faction!
having a scoring system related to the sector ownership, its a quite big problem.
link to image of the "half conquered" sector:

thanks for any help !

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since seems there's no way to make it work, i deleted the sector and created a marker that change colour with a script.
the problem now is that on the upper-right corner it does not show up faction scores !
anyone know how make them always visible ? thanks 

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It might help. 


params  ["_sector" , "_side", "_oldSide"];

_scoreReward = ((_this select 0) getvariable ["ScoreReward",0]) call bis_fnc_parsenumber;

[(_this select 1), _scoreReward] call BIS_fnc_respawnTickets;
[(_this select 2), - (_scoreReward)] call BIS_fnc_respawnTickets;



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