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Array of player AI units selected via Function Keys?

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Hi Folks,


Another basic question - I've tried Chat GPT and numerous searches. 


How do I capture an array of selected units - that have been selected via Function Keys and are highlighted in the user interface?





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Hi Folks,


I think I have it.





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Hi Folks,


One follow up - I'm using an "addAction" on an ammo box to call a rearm script - which shows up fine - however - when I select any unit using a Function Key (the subject of my rearm script - groupSelectedUnits) - my addAction is no longer available in the scrolling menu.  Catch 22?


Is there a way around this?


_ammoBox addAction ["<t color='#FFB43F'>-Ammo Rearm</t>","Scripts\SCOammo.sqf",_ammoBox,1.8,true,true,"","true",5];





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Not really, imho.

What I did: a tempo like this:

_ammobox addAction [
  "<t color='#FFB43F'>-Ammo Rearm</t>",
    params ["_ammobox,"_plyr"];
    waitUntil {groupSelectedUnits _plyr isNotEqualTo []};
    sleep 3;
    [groupSelectedUnits _plyr,_ammobox] spawn {your code for these guys & ammobox (eventually)} ;

After calling the action, then starting selection, you have 3 seconds to select all units you need before the code applies on them.

Another example for dismissing units, even out of sight:



MGI_dismissUnits = [
  "dismiss selected units (within 3s.)",
    params ["_plyr"];
    waitUntil {groupSelectedUnits _plyr isNotEqualTo []};
    sleep 3;
    groupSelectedUnits _plyr joinSilent grpNull;
player addAction MGI_dismissUnits;

player addEventHandler ["Respawn",{
  params ["_unit","_corpse"];
  _unit addAction MGI_dismissUnits;
  removeAllActions _corpse;





  • Thanks 1

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Hi Pierre,


Thanks so much for the ideas and examples. Yep - seems like the best way to go…


I’ll give this a shot.




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