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USMCx Titus

Kicked from server, wrong signature (After Connecting)

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We have been running into a few problems with staying connected to our server, usually everyone when they first connect to the server within 10 minutes they will get kicked for a battleye query timeout. After this it ranges between 10-30 minutes but they will be kicked again but this time it is for a wrong signature, the server checks keys/signatures when joining and it will not let you join if there is a mismatch but this is happening at random times after connecting to the server, some players on my server only experience this once and they are good for the rest of the day where as others can get it multiple times.

The mods that show up are also random, sometimes it is a pbo from ACE, RHS, CUP or even a random pbo from the base game. All of these mods have tons of pbos so maybe there is something there that plays into this?


If anyone has experienced this and knows a workaround I would appreciate the help.

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