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Leo Remick

Add Game Master to Scenario

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Anyone know if it's to add game master to scenario like an entity or something? I want to add it to bohemia's conflict mission/campaigned and the game master game mode seems to break the mission. Thanks

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If you local host or run conflict as a server, you can login as an admin and use game master that way.

1. Main menu
2. Scenarios
3. Select conflict
4. click HOST (press T)
5. click Host locally (hold enter)
6. load in-game
7. Select Game Master in the escape menu (or hold Y)

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Yeh but is it possible to add it so a single player game can use it? bec servers over LAN stop and all ur progress is gone if GM is added on a SP conflict mission you can keep your progress between system restarts. i try to add it in workbench but like OP says it breaks the game bec it detects 2 game modes active.

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