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Useless triggers in the world editor....

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Why are all the triggers that can be found in the world editor so damn useless, like none of them do anything without a 1000 page script with hundreds of (/)=,.;: all over that needs to be at the excact right place or it's no good lol

All i want is a few simple triggers that just ends a scenario, nothing that requiers 10 years of quantum physics education to understand, just (one faction wipes out the other faction within the trigger area and the scenario ends with a simple message saying either US side or USSR side wins) Why is this so hard when it was so basic in all previous Arma games? Also dont like me to any of these older youtube tutorials, that old end  scenario trigger is now obsolete.

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Let's wonder a software is a planned neighborhood, where to develop the entire environment you must build up all the buildings and houses, or at least the most important ones. Later you'll worry about the furniture and other details that will fill the spaces.

Reforger is still in development, and it will be the kickoff for Arma 4. A lot of hard work needs to be done, true, however, we can get calm and, if you know how, share your snippets of solutions with us. 

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