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How to create a campaign intro?

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Hi everyone. Currently, I'm making my own campaign and I have a question: how to make an intro for it?


The idea is, I want to create a mission, that contains only Intro stage and proceed directly to next mission - on different map and with its own Intro. Like in Peacemaker custom campaign.

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17 hours ago, Play3r said:

try these YT sampels.



Thanks a lot, but I already know how to make a mission intro. The thing is, how to make a mission, that have ONLY intro? What scenario stage should I use? If I use "intro" stage, how should I make a transition into next mission RIGHT AFTER the end of an intro? And if I use "scenario" stage, how to make it without "Mission Completed" screen? Or, maybe, I should make everything in "Outro" stage?

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