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Stranded - Open World Zombie Survival Sandbox [SP] [Released]

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An event occurred. It's origin unknown. Some say it's just nature restoring the balance. Some say it's a virus from outer space. Some say it's Judgement. Nobody truly knows. What we do know is that one day the dead started to rise. Everyone who dies rises again to attack the living and create more walking corpses. Countries that had the infrastructure managed to withstand the event whereas countries torn by civil war, famine and scarcity were not so lucky. Altis was not so lucky. You are a drifter. A faceless roaming survivor of the aftermath earning a meagre living scavenging and selling loot. You are nothing. A nobody and when you die you become another nobody. Over and over. 


Explore and pillage the island nation of Altis where the further you go the harder it gets. Battle across high risk/high reward loot zones where the better the gear the more dangerous the foe but don't stay out too long. You don't want to be outside a safe zone when night falls. Take on odd jobs. Kill zombies and bandits for money. Build up your cash to buy better gear to take on harder loot zones but beware, If you die you lose it all.










Gameplay Videos



Mission Summary



- Random Events
- Safe Zones
- Vendors
- Loot Zones
- Tiered Loot system
- Tiered enemies
- Somewhat balanced progression
- Repeatable missions
- Mag repacking
- Ambient, non intrusive, music
- Custom dynamic spawn system that changes depending on day/night cycle.

- Hire-able AI in safe zones.
- Wanted / Bounty system - If you kill friendly units then bounty hunters will come after you until you pay it off or die.
- Integrated Tinters furniture script.

The main feature of this scenario is what I hope to be re-playable fun that you can either enjoy in short spurts or play over a couple hours.


Whilst this project is functionally completed there is more I would have liked to do with it however due to time constraints / inexperience I've had to cut features out. Over time I would like to add things like a sort of bounty system / reputation system plus expand and add more variety to what's in this scenario.

I can't make any promises, beyond bug fixing support, that I'll continue to add to this project though.




For a complete list of changes please see the changelog on the steam workshop page.


- Apex
- Contact
- All free DLC
- Ravage

Reccomended Mods

All these mods are located on the steam workshop.

For long play through's I recommend the m3mory mod by Haleks.

JSRS Sound Mod
JSRS Reload Sounds
Better Inventory
Death Hit and Reaction Sounds
Enhanced Movement
Enhanced Movement Rework
CE: Movement
CQB Weapon Stance
Dynamic Camo System
Moving Stacks Rework
No more Soul-Less Eyes
Project SFX: Remastered
Webknights Two Primary Weapons - This mod introduces an unintended consequence in the respawn system whereby the second primary weapon isn't removed.
Rested Weapon Movement
Modernized controls collection
Enhanced Soundscape

I use the above list of mods with this scenario however there are a couple very minor interactions with my scripts.

Bug Reporting / Feedback / Suggestions

Leave a comment here or on the steam workshop page

I greatly appreciate any feedback and/or support.



Haleks for providing Ravage.
Bohemia Interactive forums, for all the coding snippets, advice and support shared between members.
George Floros [GR] for his excellent scripts, including single player respawn and clean-up
Bangabob and Strider42 for the EOS scripts
outlawed for the mag repack script.
HallyG for the money shop scripts.
R3evo for his simple conversation script.
IndeedPete for his conversation system.
IndeedPete for his drunk script.

Rydygier & Gunter Severloh for the excellent Herne script.
Tinter for the excellent Tinter furniture script.

Music Credits

None of the music present within this scenario is of my own work. All rights belong to the respective authors of the music played within this creation.

Ambient Noodling - Rabea Massaad - https://www.youtube.com/@RabeaMassaad
Serenity - Das Ungesagte - https://www.youtube.com/@DasUngesagte
MooZe - Stalker OST Soundtrack - GSC Gameworld
Ambient Song - andy othling - https://www.youtube.com/@AndyOthling


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Update, 03/03/2024.


I took a bit of a long hiatus however I intend to release this ........ soon 


The base features have been completed. I've cut some things out because I didn't have the time/experience to implement them such as the conversations and lore elements.


Now I just need to polish this up a bit and do a full test and subsequent bug fixing exercise then this will be ready for release

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Update 01/04/2024


I've created a gameplay demonstration video that I've linked in the main post and also here just as a proof of concept.


I'm currently play testing and ironing things out.


I'm linking the video here too 

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Updated the scenario to remove the Western Sahara dlc requirement. This was completely unintentional and I left the dlc activated as I was planning on adding in the weapons and clothing and making a separate version at some point.


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