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Update Variables | Player Name | Show on Billboard

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Hello everyone,


as a non-trained programmer but a motivated mission builder, I am contacting you again today with a small problem in which I am sure I am just missing a small thing.



I have a trait switcher in the mission where players can select a role as Medic, Engineer or Explosive Specialist. These roles are limited. I would like to set up a billboard next to the role switcher that shows which player currently has which role or which roles are actual unused.


My problem:

When I test in Selfhost MP, after a selected role, it gives me the role description that is stored on the slot instead of my player / profile name. In another Testplayer sot, it brings me the correct player / profile name of me but still with the current group, which is not needed and does not look good in terms of space / layout.


Since my native language is German, a short explanation: String "unbesetzt" means "actually unused".


Any dedicated requirements have not yet been checked, first of all everything should work.

I hope that I haven't made any major mistakes from the performance side, even if there is certainly a more elegant way, but I'm glad to have created a working basis for now.


Following script is actually called in init.sqf by execVm:


  Reveal hidden contents


Thanks a lot for Feedback and ideas how I could handle the "nameproblem" best.


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Neat concept 🙂

It seems that _medic1, medic2, etc. are still references to the objects instead of their names in string form.


Try replacing the part from _medic1 = _medics select 0; to _medic6 = _medics select 5; with this:

_medics resize 6;
_medics = _medics apply {
  if (isNil "_x") then {
  } else {
    name _x
_medics params ["_medic1", "_medic2", "_medic3", "_medic4", "_medic5", "_medic6"];

If it works then you can do the same for the other roles.

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Thanks a lot 😍

Works perfectly great and also adhoc on Dedicated.


The resize - apply combination commands were the missing points I searched for, I guess.


Thanks for bringing me back on track. 🙂

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