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avibird 1

What is the best way to get access to all arma3 hidden content in the Eden Editor.

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Why did Bohemia keep hidden objects in the Eden Editor? It's just stupid. We can get access using mod's and spawn in objects using codes so what is the point to have hidden content that we can still use. It just make dependencies when using mod's and placement/setup using spawn in codes can be a pain the the ass and time consuming. 


What are you best ways or mod's that you guys use to add hidden objects into the Eden Editor. 


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Game assets trees building road ect basically anything in the vanilla game that has a class name you can spawn in using codes lines. Or mod's that make the vanilla items available in the editor. 


There are a few editor mods that open up this all hidden objects within the editor. Which one is the best one and why did they do this in the first place.

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I always used CJTF101 Editor, but it never supported any newer content (Apex and beyond). It is abandoned, AFAIK. I was looking for a replacement not long ago, and couldn't find any mod that added all objects in a comprehensive manner.


As for why the devs did it this way, I recall reading a post stating that it had to do with performance. I may be misremembering, or that may not be the full story, so take it with a grain of salt.

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Currently I have 8 different mod's that give additional vanilla arma3 and or vanilla arma2 assets with at least half of them that make dependencies for other people. I can understand the one or two mod's that give you arma2 stuff.

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