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How to check if unit with specific classname is alive it the group?

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Hi, guys! 

I'd like to find simple solution to check if some specific unit in the group is alive or not?

For example I have convoy with some vehicles in _convGroup:

private _conv_leader = selectRandom ["rhsusf_m113_usarmy", "rhsusf_m113_usarmy_MK19", "rhsusf_m113_usarmy_M240"];
    private _conv_rearguard = selectRandom ["rhsusf_M1220_M153_M2_usarmy_wd", "rhsusf_M1220_M153_MK19_usarmy_wd", "rhsusf_M1230_M2_usarmy_wd", "rhsusf_M1237_M2_usarmy_wd", 
    "rhsusf_m1240a1_m2_usarmy_wd", "rhsusf_m1240a1_m2_uik_usarmy_wd","rhsusf_m1240a1_m2_uik_usarmy_wd", "rhsusf_m1240a1_mk19_uik_usarmy_wd", "rhsusf_m1240a1_m240_uik_usarmy_wd"];
    private _conv_veh =    [_conv_leader,"rhsusf_M977A4_AMMO_BKIT_M2_usarmy_wd", "rhsusf_M142_usarmy_WD", "rhsusf_M978A4_usarmy_wd","rhsusf_M142_usarmy_WD" ,"rhsusf_M1078A1P2_B_WD_CP_fmtv_usarmy", _conv_rearguard];

		_convGroup setBehaviour "SAVE";
		_convGroup setFormation "FILE";
		_convUnit = [_pos, _dir, _x, _convGroup] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle;
} forEach _conv_veh;

Now, the task to destroy some priority targets in group: two "rhsusf_M142_usarmy_WD" for example. How to check it in setTriggerStatements to complete mission if that units destroyed?

This is MP (dedicated) task. 


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Make the convoy group variable global so that it can be used in the trigger activation code.

{typeOf _x == "rhsusf_m113_usarmy" && !alive _x} count units convoyGroup == 0


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2 hours ago, Ibragim A said:

Make the convoy group variable global so that it can be used in the trigger activation code.

{typeOf _x == "rhsusf_m113_usarmy" && !alive _x} count units convoyGroup == 0


Sorry, but it doesn't work. I found another solution



_trig_destroy_complete setTriggerStatements [ "
_vehs = []; _vehstypes = [];
{_veh = vehicle _x; _inArray = _veh in _vehs; 
  if (!_inArray && _veh != _x && side _x == west) then 
  { _vehs set [count _vehs, _veh];}; } forEach units convoyGroup; 
 {_vehstypes pushBack typeOf _x} forEach _vehs; 
!('rhsusf_M142_usarmy_WD' in _vehstypes) && count units convoyGroup > 0;
", _task_destroy_complete,""];

It's ugly like hell, but it works... 

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Yes, there was a mistake in my code there:

{typeOf _x == "rhsusf_m113_usarmy" && alive _x} count units convoyGroup == 0


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If I'm right, "rhsusf_M142_usarmy_WD" is a vehicle , not a unit.

Vehicles in a group can be found by BIS_fnc_groupVehicles (which is similar as AlexRUS 's code). This will take into account abandoned alive vehicles belonging to the group.


but you can simply check:

!("rhsusf_M142_usarmy_WD" in (units convoyGroup apply {typeOf assignedVehicle _x}))

No need to specify if alive.


If you want to do that in a trigger statement, setTriggerStatement is fine.


NOTE: disabled vehicles (which can't move) stay assigned in group. If you don't want them just:

!("rhsusf_M142_usarmy_WD" in (units convoyGroup apply {typeOf ([objNull,assignedVehicle _x] select (canMove assignedVehicle _x)) }))


Same for canFire if that help.




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On 4/22/2023 at 7:34 AM, pierremgi said:

!("rhsusf_M142_usarmy_WD" in (units convoyGroup apply {typeOf ([objNull,assignedVehicle _x] select (canMove assignedVehicle _x)) }))


 thanks, Its better then my, I'll use this one


there is it

_task_destroy_complete = "['task_destroy','SUCCEEDED'] call BIS_fnc_taskSetState; hint 'M142 destroyed';";	
_trig_destroy_complete = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", [0,0,0]];
_trig_destroy_complete setTriggerStatements [ "
	!('rhsusf_M142_usarmy_WD' in (units convoyGroup apply {typeOf assignedVehicle _x})) && count units convoyGroup > 0;
", _task_destroy_complete,""];


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