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Solarcode red

Ai shoots but not at the target once trigger is activated

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I'm trying to get a ai unit to shoot at an target/object while on a heli door gun when a trigger is activated. I got the trigger to make him shoot but he wont shoot at the target/object. He just shoot's into the air randomly or at the ground but not the target/object.


null = shooter1 spawn {_this dotarget t6; sleep 0.5; while {alive t6 and alive _this} do {sleep 4; gl action ["useweapon",vehicle _this,_this,0]; }};


this is the code placed in the trigger I was told to replace the "useweapon" with "fireAtTarget" but got error when running the mission and the ai wouldn't shoot I then tried this code below 


null = g1 spawn {_this dotarget t6; sleep 0.5; while {alive t6 and alive _this} do {sleep 0; gl action ["fireAtTarget"]; [_helicopter, currentWeapon LMG_Minigun_Transport,0]; }};


But when running the mission  with code I got another error and the ai wouldn't shoot I have pics but I'm not sure how to add them.

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1 hour ago, Solarcode red said:

I was told to replace the "useweapon" with "fireAtTarget" 


fireAtTarget is a scripting command. "useweapon" is an action that can be called by the scripting command action.


You need to replace all of the "action" code with code appropriate to "fireAtTarget."


fireAtTarget syntax:



sourceVehicle fireAtTarget [targetVehicle, weaponMuzzleName]


gl fireAtTarget" [_helicopter, <gl muzzlename>];

But there are also several other problems with your code. For instance, "_helicopter" is undefined. Context and your comments suggest that you actually want a helicopter door gunner to shoot at something, so the code is total nonsense.



So, what is "g1?"

What is "t6?'

What is "_helicopter?"

What is supposed to shoot at what?


In the future, please don't start multiple threads for one topic.

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4 minutes ago, Harzach said:


fireAtTarget is a scripting command. "useweapon" is an action that can be called by the scripting command action.


You need to replace all of the "action" code with code appropriate to "fireAtTarget."


fireAtTarget syntax:



gl fireAtTarget" [_helicopter, <gl muzzlename>];

But there are also several other problems with your code. For instance, "_helicopter" is undefined. Context and your comments suggest that you actually want a helicopter door gunner to shoot at something, so the code is total nonsense.



So, what is "g1?"

What is "t6?'

What is "_helicopter?"

What is supposed to shoot at what?


In the future, please don't start multiple threads for one topic.

G1 is the vairable name of te unit 

t6 is what the unit is shooting at

and _helicopter idk i thought I had to add 



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Don't be a jerk... this will work for sure!!!! lol 


_groupG = group leftGunnerGuy ;
_groupG setcombatmode "red" ; 
vehicle leftGunnerGuy setEffectiveCommander leftGunnerGuy ;
leftGunnerGuy doTarget myCar ;
sleep 2 ;
leftGunnerGuy doFire myCar ;

sleep 1 ;
_dog = 500 ;
for[ {_i = 0 } ,  {_i < _dog } ,  {_i=_i + 1}] do 
leftGunnerGuy fireAtTarget [ myCar , currentWeapon vehicle gunner leftGunnerGuy];
sleep .01 ;
} ;


Assuming you have a leftGunnerGuy as left door gunner and ... myCar as a car.
How it is you add targets to your trigger automatically is another subject(s), but if you were to pick one that passed the trigger going off repetatively...
you'd say.... that you can each one individually or try and pick out the area of the triggerzone. 

Suppose you pick each one out..
in your trigger you'd put something like...

[_x] execVM 'fireIt.sqf';
} foreach thisList ;

...and addToTheTop of the sqf...

params ["_stray"] ;





params ["_stray"] ;
myCar = _stray ;
_groupG = group leftGunnerGuy ;
_groupG setcombatmode "red" ; 
vehicle leftGunnerGuy setEffectiveCommander leftGunnerGuy ;
leftGunnerGuy doTarget myCar ;
sleep 2 ;
leftGunnerGuy doFire myCar ;

sleep 1 ;
_dog = 5000 ;
for[ {_i = 0 } ,  {_i < _dog } ,  {_i=_i + 1}] do 
leftGunnerGuy fireAtTarget [ myCar , currentWeapon vehicle gunner leftGunnerGuy];
sleep .01 ;
} ;


....civilians what not...

...put a little more into that...


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Here... obviously what I am showing isn't anywhere near as good enough(most especially the previous script), but at least I have this to give to you for study:

Suppose you have a ton of civilians... in a trigger, you can make that. And the trigger... well... just start off easy... doesn't repeat. Ok...
Make trigger, put civis in it, detect for civis once. Let's focus on this one.



tarZ = [] ;
triggerFireN = 0 ;


trigger (with no name)


{tarZ pushBack (_x); } forEach thisList ;

hint "...executing" ;
[] execVM 'fireIt.sqf'; 


Ok... in the triggers activation block... this will go. It will pick up everybody inside that passes and will drop it into a simple array... 

Now... for your sqf... which along with init.sqf goes into your user missions folder in MyDocuments (User\documents\arma3OtherProfiles\missions\...)



//params ["_stray"] ;
sleep 1 ;
private _countL = count tarZ ;
private _countM = _countL - 1 ;

hint ("count " + str _countL) ;
sleep 2 ;
private _myCar = _x  ;

triggerFireN = 1 ; 

leftGunnerGuy addRating 5000 ;
vehicle leftGunnerGuy setEffectiveCommander leftGunnerGuy ;
commander vehicle leftGunnerGuy doTarget _myCar ;

leftGunnerGuy action ["ManualFire", vehicle leftGunnerGuy ];

leftGunnerGuy doTarget _myCar ;

hint (str assignedTarget ( leftGunnerGuy) );
sleep 2 ;
hint (str getObjectID _myCar) ;
sleep 2 ;
hint ("newCall : \n" + str time) ; 
sleep 5 ; 

leftGunnerGuy reveal _myCar ;
private _aimOnX = (  leftGunnerGuy ) aimedAtTarget [ _myCar ]  ;
hint (str _aimOnX + " OK " ) ;
sleep 2 ; 
private _pop = 0 ;
private _slot = 0.01 ; 

_counterT = -1 ;
while{ _pop == 0 } do
//for[ {_i = 0 } ,  {_i < 10 } ,  { _i=_i + 1}] do 
		//_counterT = _counterT + 1 ;
		//hint (str _counterT) ;
		sleep .2 ;
		private _currentDam = getDammage _myCar ; 
		private _posZ = getPosASL _myCar ; 

		private _tank = createSimpleObject ["\A3\Structures_F_Bootcamp\VR\Helpers\VR_3DSelector_01_F.p3d", _posZ];
		tank = _tank ;
		private _aimOn = (   leftGunnerGuy ) aimedAtTarget [ _tank ]  ;
		_spotty = 0.9 ;
		if( _aimOn  > _spotty ) then
			hint ( "AIM ON"  ) ;

		if(_aimOn == 0 ) then
			hint("AIM OFF");
			leftGunnerGuy forgetTarget _tank ;
			commander vehicle leftGunnerGuy doTarget _tank ;
		} ;

		leftGunnerGuy fireAtTarget [ tank , currentWeapon  vehicle gunner leftGunnerGuy  ]; 

		_currentDam = getDammage _myCar ; 

		if( _currentDam == 1 ) then 

			leftGunnerGuy forgetTarget _myCar ;
			_pop = 1;

		hideObject _tank ;
		deleteVehicle _tank ;

} ; 

hint ("...done firing now.") ;

triggerFireN = 0 ; 
sleep 1 ;

} forEach tarZ ;


swear to god dead civilians everywhere....

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1 minute ago, bLAcKmAgE87 said:

Here... obviously what I am showing isn't anywhere near as good enough(most especially the previous script), but at least I have this to give to you for study:

Suppose you have a ton of civilians... in a trigger, you can make that. And the trigger... well... just start off easy... doesn't repeat. Ok...
Make trigger, put civis in it, detect for civis once. Let's focus on this one.


  Reveal hidden contents

{tarZ pushBack (_x); } forEach thisList ;

hint "...executing" ;
[] execVM 'fireIt.sqf'; 



Hey sorry for the late respone I'll have a look at and try out what you suggested I appreciate the help

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1 minute ago, Solarcode red said:

Hey sorry for the late respone I'll have a look at and try out what you suggested I appreciate the help

Look again

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4 minutes ago, Solarcode red said:

what are you talking about 

sorry ... you posted when I was editing my message for you... check the codes I've shown again...(refresh lol)

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oh ok yeah it seems so complicated but thank you I'll try my best to implement this

2 minutes ago, bLAcKmAgE87 said:

sorry ... you posted when I was editing my message for you... check the codes I've shown again...(refresh lol)


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6 minutes ago, Solarcode red said:

and when was I jerk?

No not you lol I don't think you are jerk... I just don't like it when people beat around the bush... so I thought I'd help you out... 
Also consider playing with this line...

private _aimOn = (   leftGunnerGuy ) aimedAtTarget [ _myCar ]  ;

private _aimOn = (   leftGunnerGuy ) aimedAtTarget [ _tank]  ;

The second one will not work.... and also ...your welcome... I am sure that there are better firing scripts but at least I have something to show you

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4 minutes ago, bLAcKmAgE87 said:

No not you lol I don't think you are jerk... I just don't like it when people beat around the bush... so I thought I'd help you out... 
Also consider playing with this line...

private _aimOn = (   leftGunnerGuy ) aimedAtTarget [ _myCar ]  ;

private _aimOn = (   leftGunnerGuy ) aimedAtTarget [ _tank]  ;

The second one will not work.... and also ...your welcome... I am sure that there are better firing scripts but at least I have something to show you

Oh ok I see and by script this will be something added to the mission folder? I don't have any expierence scripting or is the something that's gonna go in the init and I'm changing variable names? Because I really don't understand this one

Edited by Solarcode red

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3 minutes ago, Solarcode red said:

Oh ok I see and by script this will be something added to the mission folder? I don't have any expierence scripting or is the something that's gonna go in the init and I'm changing variable names? Because I really don't understand this one

Ok... yea... so in this folder of yours
C:\Users\Solarcode Red\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\missions\missonName.VR

where missonName.VR is the mission you've made in the editor. 

Arma 3 - Other Profiles\missions\missonName.VR

You should have a single mission.sqm file there from the editor's creation.

Add init.sqf using notepad... also being very careful to save the extension as .sqf not .txt by selecting allFiles in fileTypes
I know that sounds weird but lets go over it again...


Open textpad....

go to save as and click it...

in the dialog... select file types... pick allfile types...

you should see the .sqm file, but don't select it...

type in init.sqf as the file name... and save it with that title... you should notice the extension has changed at the top of the notepad file that is open...otherwise... it ends as .txt which can't be used here...


in the blank init.sqf... it works just as any notepad or text file... but with the extension .sqf

save this


tarZ = [] ;
triggerFireN = 0 ;


save this as init.sqf

save the other script as fireIt.sqf

its like using two screens...

in your editor... in your mission... which you've saved once, and have the init and fireIt files

add that trigger from above... make it detect civilians and make not repeat...

put some civilians inside... start the mission with the big orange button


hopefully ...init.sqf goes off...

then the trigger...

then the script fireIt.sqf

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13 minutes ago, bLAcKmAgE87 said:

Ok... yea... so in this folder of yours
C:\Users\Solarcode Red\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\missions\missonName.VR

where missonName.VR is the mission you've made in the editor. 

Arma 3 - Other Profiles\missions\missonName.VR

You should have a single mission.sqm file there from the editor's creation.

Add init.sqf using notepad... also being very careful to save the extension as .sqf not .txt by selecting allFiles in fileTypes
I know that sounds weird but lets go over it again...


Open textpad....

go to save as and click it...

in the dialog... select file types... pick allfile types...

you should see the .sqm file, but don't select it...

type in init.sqf as the file name... and save it with that title... you should notice the extension has changed at the top of the notepad file that is open...otherwise... it ends as .txt which can't be used here...


in the blank init.sqf... it works just as any notepad or text file... but with the extension .sqf

save this

  Hide contents

tarZ = [] ;
triggerFireN = 0 ;


save this as init.sqf

save the other script as fireIt.sqf

its like using two screens...

in your editor... in your mission... which you've saved once, and have the init and fireIt files

add that trigger from above... make it detect civilians and make not repeat...

put some civilians inside... start the mission with the big orange button


hopefully ...init.sqf goes off...

then the trigger...

then the script fireIt.sqf

ok trying now 

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yeah I just got an error in the trigger saying it was missing a ; but if this spawns a heli this wouldn't really work for what I;m trying to make but I appreciate the help nonetheless

31 minutes ago, bLAcKmAgE87 said:

Ok... yea... so in this folder of yours
C:\Users\Solarcode Red\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\missions\missonName.VR

where missonName.VR is the mission you've made in the editor. 

Arma 3 - Other Profiles\missions\missonName.VR

You should have a single mission.sqm file there from the editor's creation.

Add init.sqf using notepad... also being very careful to save the extension as .sqf not .txt by selecting allFiles in fileTypes
I know that sounds weird but lets go over it again...


Open textpad....

go to save as and click it...

in the dialog... select file types... pick allfile types...

you should see the .sqm file, but don't select it...

type in init.sqf as the file name... and save it with that title... you should notice the extension has changed at the top of the notepad file that is open...otherwise... it ends as .txt which can't be used here...


in the blank init.sqf... it works just as any notepad or text file... but with the extension .sqf

save this

  Reveal hidden contents

tarZ = [] ;
triggerFireN = 0 ;


save this as init.sqf

save the other script as fireIt.sqf

its like using two screens...

in your editor... in your mission... which you've saved once, and have the init and fireIt files

add that trigger from above... make it detect civilians and make not repeat...

put some civilians inside... start the mission with the big orange button


hopefully ...init.sqf goes off...

then the trigger...

then the script fireIt.sqf


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1 hour ago, bLAcKmAgE87 said:

Here... obviously what I am showing isn't anywhere near as good enough(most especially the previous script), but at least I have this to give to you for study:

Suppose you have a ton of civilians... in a trigger, you can make that. And the trigger... well... just start off easy... doesn't repeat. Ok...
Make trigger, put civis in it, detect for civis once. Let's focus on this one.


  Reveal hidden contents

tarZ = [] ;
triggerFireN = 0 ;


trigger (with no name)

  Reveal hidden contents

{tarZ pushBack (_x); } forEach thisList ;

hint "...executing" ;
[] execVM 'fireIt.sqf'; 


Ok... in the triggers activation block... this will go. It will pick up everybody inside that passes and will drop it into a simple array... 

Now... for your sqf... which along with init.sqf goes into your user missions folder in MyDocuments (User\documents\arma3OtherProfiles\missions\...)


  Reveal hidden contents

//params ["_stray"] ;
sleep 1 ;
private _countL = count tarZ ;
private _countM = _countL - 1 ;

hint ("count " + str _countL) ;
sleep 2 ;
private _myCar = _x  ;

triggerFireN = 1 ; 

leftGunnerGuy addRating 5000 ;
vehicle leftGunnerGuy setEffectiveCommander leftGunnerGuy ;
commander vehicle leftGunnerGuy doTarget _myCar ;

leftGunnerGuy action ["ManualFire", vehicle leftGunnerGuy ];

leftGunnerGuy doTarget _myCar ;

hint (str assignedTarget ( leftGunnerGuy) );
sleep 2 ;
hint (str getObjectID _myCar) ;
sleep 2 ;
hint ("newCall : \n" + str time) ; 
sleep 5 ; 

leftGunnerGuy reveal _myCar ;
private _aimOnX = (  leftGunnerGuy ) aimedAtTarget [ _myCar ]  ;
hint (str _aimOnX + " OK " ) ;
sleep 2 ; 
private _pop = 0 ;
private _slot = 0.01 ; 

_counterT = -1 ;
while{ _pop == 0 } do
//for[ {_i = 0 } ,  {_i < 10 } ,  { _i=_i + 1}] do 
		//_counterT = _counterT + 1 ;
		//hint (str _counterT) ;
		sleep .2 ;
		private _currentDam = getDammage _myCar ; 
		private _posZ = getPosASL _myCar ; 

		private _tank = createSimpleObject ["\A3\Structures_F_Bootcamp\VR\Helpers\VR_3DSelector_01_F.p3d", _posZ];
		tank = _tank ;
		private _aimOn = (   leftGunnerGuy ) aimedAtTarget [ _tank ]  ;
		_spotty = 0.9 ;
		if( _aimOn  > _spotty ) then
			hint ( "AIM ON"  ) ;

		if(_aimOn == 0 ) then
			hint("AIM OFF");
			leftGunnerGuy forgetTarget _tank ;
			commander vehicle leftGunnerGuy doTarget _tank ;
		} ;

		leftGunnerGuy fireAtTarget [ tank , currentWeapon  vehicle gunner leftGunnerGuy  ]; 

		_currentDam = getDammage _myCar ; 

		if( _currentDam == 1 ) then 

			leftGunnerGuy forgetTarget _myCar ;
			_pop = 1;

		hideObject _tank ;
		deleteVehicle _tank ;

} ; 

hint ("...done firing now.") ;

triggerFireN = 0 ; 
sleep 1 ;

} forEach tarZ ;


swear to god dead civilians everywhere....

updated fireIt.sqf


//params ["_stray"] ;
sleep 1 ;
private _countL = count tarZ ;
private _countM = _countL - 1 ;

hint ("count " + str _countL) ;
sleep 2 ;
private _myCar = _x  ;

triggerFireN = 1 ; 

leftGunnerGuy addRating 5000 ;
vehicle leftGunnerGuy setEffectiveCommander leftGunnerGuy ;
commander vehicle leftGunnerGuy doTarget _myCar ;

leftGunnerGuy action ["ManualFire", vehicle leftGunnerGuy ];

leftGunnerGuy doTarget _myCar ;

hint (str assignedTarget ( leftGunnerGuy) );
sleep 2 ;
hint (str getObjectID _myCar) ;
sleep 2 ;
hint ("newCall : \n" + str time) ; 
sleep 5 ; 

leftGunnerGuy reveal _myCar ;
private _aimOnX = (  leftGunnerGuy ) aimedAtTarget [ _myCar ]  ;
hint (str _aimOnX + " OK " ) ;
sleep 2 ; 
private _pop = 0 ;
private _slot = 0.01 ; 

_counterT = -1 ;
while{ _pop == 0 } do
//for[ {_i = 0 } ,  {_i < 10 } ,  { _i=_i + 1}] do 
		//_counterT = _counterT + 1 ;
		//hint (str _counterT) ;
		sleep .2 ;
		private _currentDam = getDammage _myCar ; 
		private _posZ = getPosASL _myCar ; 

		private _tank = createSimpleObject ["\A3\Structures_F_Bootcamp\VR\Helpers\VR_3DSelector_01_F.p3d", _posZ];
		tank = _tank ;
		private _aimOn = (   leftGunnerGuy ) aimedAtTarget [ _myCar ]  ;
		_spotty = 0.9 ;
		if( _aimOn  == 1 ) then
			hint ( "AIM ON"  ) ;

			hint("AIM OFF");
			leftGunnerGuy forgetTarget _tank ;
			commander vehicle leftGunnerGuy doTarget _tank ;
		} ;

		//leftGunnerGuy fireAtTarget [ tank , currentWeapon  vehicle gunner leftGunnerGuy  ]; 
		leftGunnerGuy fireAtTarget [ tank , weapons  (vehicle gunner leftGunnerGuy) select 1 ]; 
		_currentDam = getDammage _myCar ; 

		if( _currentDam == 1 ) then 

			leftGunnerGuy forgetTarget _myCar ;
			_pop = 1;

		hideObject _tank ;
		deleteVehicle _tank ;

} ; 

hint ("...done firing now.") ;

triggerFireN = 0 ; 
sleep 1 ;

} forEach tarZ ;



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I'm sorry to have wasted your time and everyone else's I guess I should've been more detailed and explained my scenario better. But the door gunner of my heli is dropping the player off and I just wanted the left dooe gunner to shoot at a target/obj when landing or takingin off again sorry again and I apprecaited the help

14 minutes ago, bLAcKmAgE87 said:

updated fireIt.sqf

  Reveal hidden contents

//params ["_stray"] ;
sleep 1 ;
private _countL = count tarZ ;
private _countM = _countL - 1 ;

hint ("count " + str _countL) ;
sleep 2 ;
private _myCar = _x  ;

triggerFireN = 1 ; 

leftGunnerGuy addRating 5000 ;
vehicle leftGunnerGuy setEffectiveCommander leftGunnerGuy ;
commander vehicle leftGunnerGuy doTarget _myCar ;

leftGunnerGuy action ["ManualFire", vehicle leftGunnerGuy ];

leftGunnerGuy doTarget _myCar ;

hint (str assignedTarget ( leftGunnerGuy) );
sleep 2 ;
hint (str getObjectID _myCar) ;
sleep 2 ;
hint ("newCall : \n" + str time) ; 
sleep 5 ; 

leftGunnerGuy reveal _myCar ;
private _aimOnX = (  leftGunnerGuy ) aimedAtTarget [ _myCar ]  ;
hint (str _aimOnX + " OK " ) ;
sleep 2 ; 
private _pop = 0 ;
private _slot = 0.01 ; 

_counterT = -1 ;
while{ _pop == 0 } do
//for[ {_i = 0 } ,  {_i < 10 } ,  { _i=_i + 1}] do 
		//_counterT = _counterT + 1 ;
		//hint (str _counterT) ;
		sleep .2 ;
		private _currentDam = getDammage _myCar ; 
		private _posZ = getPosASL _myCar ; 

		private _tank = createSimpleObject ["\A3\Structures_F_Bootcamp\VR\Helpers\VR_3DSelector_01_F.p3d", _posZ];
		tank = _tank ;
		private _aimOn = (   leftGunnerGuy ) aimedAtTarget [ _myCar ]  ;
		_spotty = 0.9 ;
		if( _aimOn  == 1 ) then
			hint ( "AIM ON"  ) ;

			hint("AIM OFF");
			leftGunnerGuy forgetTarget _tank ;
			commander vehicle leftGunnerGuy doTarget _tank ;
		} ;

		//leftGunnerGuy fireAtTarget [ tank , currentWeapon  vehicle gunner leftGunnerGuy  ]; 
		leftGunnerGuy fireAtTarget [ tank , weapons  (vehicle gunner leftGunnerGuy) select 1 ]; 
		_currentDam = getDammage _myCar ; 

		if( _currentDam == 1 ) then 

			leftGunnerGuy forgetTarget _myCar ;
			_pop = 1;

		hideObject _tank ;
		deleteVehicle _tank ;

} ; 

hint ("...done firing now.") ;

triggerFireN = 0 ; 
sleep 1 ;

} forEach tarZ ;




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just use the transport unload waypoint and set a script off I guess... no problem

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2 minutes ago, bLAcKmAgE87 said:

just use the transport unload waypoint and set a script off I guess... no problem

I'll give it a shot 

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ok ok here's a catch to the script....:

leftGunnerGuy fireAtTarget [ tank , currentWeapon  vehicle gunner leftGunnerGuy  ]; 



leftGunnerGuy fireAtTarget [ tank , weapons  (vehicle gunner leftGunnerGuy) select 1 ]; 

the first one works with a heli... the second works with a tank... each vehicle works slightly differently so you have a lot to go through...
...watch this video... in like.. an hour or so... and turn up the quality filter to see the code. 
The heli is gunna come down and do as you ask. 


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On 4/13/2023 at 8:29 AM, bLAcKmAgE87 said:

ok ok here's a catch to the script....:

leftGunnerGuy fireAtTarget [ tank , currentWeapon  vehicle gunner leftGunnerGuy  ]; 



leftGunnerGuy fireAtTarget [ tank , weapons  (vehicle gunner leftGunnerGuy) select 1 ]; 

the first one works with a heli... the second works with a tank... each vehicle works slightly differently so you have a lot to go through...
...watch this video... in like.. an hour or so... and turn up the quality filter to see the code. 
The heli is gunna come down and do as you ask. 


Sorry for the late respone I'll try this out 


  • Sad 1

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