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Log Console Error

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Hey folks, I am trying to override the prefab for the M923A1 to change the material colors and add a loadout. Before I get to any of that, whenever I override it (or duplicate) and then try to edit the prefab, I get this error in the Workbench Log Console


RESOURCES (E): Wrong&patched resource GUID in @"script" for property m_SourceWorldPath resource name @"worlds/Editor/Test/EditableEntityImages.ent"


Can anyone tell me what this is? There is a spot in the wiki that talks about the dirt materials not matching the name of the colliders? But this is a base game item, it is doing this even though all I have done is override the prefab? When I make a new project and use different vehicles, I get the same error/warning in the log consol.

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Another note about this: when the prefab is open to edit, there is no error or warning in the world editor log consol. Is this something that will cause issues later?

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Hey i got the same Problem now:(  

Did you Fix it and if how did you do it?:D

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I never found a fix for this error. I haven't looked to see if it still happens. Since the large update, I get all sort of console errors with actions that seem pretty routine. It doesn't seem to be effecting my mods.

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I get over 3400 errors after the 07/20 update to 9.9. Seems every resource has the wrong GUID/name.


I don't understand how this got through QAQC.


I've uninstalled completely both AR and Workbench. Same thing.


Am I missing something?


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11 hours ago, Blackheart_Six said:

I get over 3400 errors after the 07/20 update to 9.9. Seems every resource has the wrong GUID/name.


I don't understand how this got through QAQC.


I've uninstalled completely both AR and Workbench. Same thing.


Am I missing something?


So many things were changed after the last update, i had to remake 2 factions and a bunch of uniforms that weren't working anymore + the script to end missions/scenarios just comes back with an message saying it's obsolete. Cant even imagine what issues other modders face.


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