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PlayerRating “cutrsc”

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I’ve been using “Player Rating“ as a currency for a game mode for me and my friends, (using VASS), 

 the below code in my ini.sqf to show each players “Money”:


onEachFrame {hintSilent format ["MONEY”: %1", rating player]};


So every time they kill an enemy unit or pick up certain items their Rating/Money changes.


However I noticed “Cutrsc”; I’m scratching my head trying to figure out the best way to display this info so I can use the “hint” system for other things. 

Any help is appreciated! Thank you.

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A lot of good info in this topic:



but keep asking your questions here.

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Harzach! Thank you!


So I looked in "cutRsc and Updating Variables" I also found this:




I tried to mimic Larrow's code for my own cutRsc:



#include "ui\baseDefines.hpp" 
#include "VASS\gui\cfgGUI.hpp"

class RscTitles
	#include "ui\playerStatsUI.hpp"

class CfgFunctions
	#include "functions\playerStatsFunctions.hpp"
	#include "VASS\CfgFunctions.hpp" // this is from VASS (Virtual Arsenal Shop System)	





"playerRatingLayer" cutRsc [ "playerRating", "PLAIN" ];



#define CT_STATIC				0
#define ST_LEFT					0x00
#define GUI_GRID_WAbs			((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2)
#define GUI_GRID_HAbs			(GUI_GRID_WAbs / 1.2)
#define GUI_GRID_H				(GUI_GRID_HAbs / 25)

class RscText
	deletable = 0;
	fade = 0;
	access = 0;
	type = CT_STATIC;
	idc = -1;
	colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0};
	colorText[] = {1,1,1,1};
	text = "";
	fixedWidth = 0;
	x = 0;
	y = 0;
	h = 0.037;
	w = 0.3;
	style = ST_LEFT;
	shadow = 1;
	colorShadow[] = {0,0,0,0.5};
	font = "RobotoCondensed";
	linespacing = 1;
	tooltipColorText[] = {1,1,1,1};
	tooltipColorBox[] = {1,1,1,1};
	tooltipColorShade[] = {0,0,0,0.65};


class playerRating
	idd = -1;
	fadein = 0;
	fadeout = 0;
	duration = 1e10;

	class controls
		class rank : RscText
			x = 0; //change this to position text on screen
			y = 0; //change this to position text on screen
			w = 0.06 * safeZoneW;
			h = 0.02 * safeZoneH;

			text = "MONEY: ";
			onLoad = "uinamespace setVariable [ 'playerRatingText', _this select 0 ]; _this select 0 call TAG_fnc_updatePlayerRating";


class ui
	tag = "TAG";
	class playerInfo
		file = "functions";
		class updatePlayerRating {};


uiNamespace getVariable "playerRatingText" ctrlSetText format[ "MONEY: %1", player rating ];


I was able to use his original code and in poking around was able to get text with "MONEY:0" by only changing: [ "Rank: %1", rank player ];   to ------> [ "MONEY: %1", player rating ]; in the fn_updatePlayerRank.sqf 


However I noticed when killing NPC's it wouldn't update the rating in the text "MONEY:0".


Right now the above code is what I have after fiddling with it.  

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You missed some critical info regarding fn_updatePlayerRank.sqf toward the bottom of Larrow's post:



This function needs calling every time you change the players rank and will update the text in the ui.


So, every time a player's rank changes, you need to call the function. Fortunately, there's an event handler for just that:  https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Event_Handlers#HandleRating


params ["_player", "_didJIP"];

_player addEventHandler ["HandleRating", {
	params ["_unit", "_rating"];
	call TAG_fnc_updatePlayerRank;



Also, when you see someone use "TAG" in an example, it is just a placeholder for your OPFEC tag. Mine is HARZ. You could use ARCH or A93 or whatever you want. You can even register your tag on the OPFEC site: https://www.ofpec.com/tags/

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As well as what @Harzach mentions...


10 hours ago, ARCH93 said:

class updatePlayerRating {};

10 hours ago, ARCH93 said:


You changed the name of the script file in CfgFunctions but have not updated the actual file name. These need to match for CfgFunctions to find the file and compile it.

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Thank you! Appreciate both of you taking the time to look into this.


Still having issues though, I will share below of what I have for the sake of clarity:



#include "ui\baseDefines.hpp"
#include "VASS\gui\cfgGUI.hpp"

class RscTitles
	#include "ui\playerStatsUI.hpp"

class CfgFunctions
	#include "functions\playerStatsFunctions.hpp"
	#include "VASS\CfgFunctions.hpp"	


waitUntil{ !isNull call BIS_fnc_displayMission };

"playerRatingLayer" cutRsc [ "playerRating", "PLAIN" ];

params ["_player", "_didJIP"];

_player addEventHandler ["HandleRating", {
	params ["_unit", "_rating"];
	call TAG_fnc_updatePlayerRating;;


#define CT_STATIC				0
#define ST_LEFT					0x00
#define GUI_GRID_WAbs			((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2)
#define GUI_GRID_HAbs			(GUI_GRID_WAbs / 1.2)
#define GUI_GRID_H				(GUI_GRID_HAbs / 25)

class RscText
	deletable = 0;
	fade = 0;
	access = 0;
	type = CT_STATIC;
	idc = -1;
	colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0};
	colorText[] = {1,1,1,1};
	text = "";
	fixedWidth = 0;
	x = 0;
	y = 0;
	h = 0.037;
	w = 0.3;
	style = ST_LEFT;
	shadow = 1;
	colorShadow[] = {0,0,0,0.5};
	font = "RobotoCondensed";
	linespacing = 1;
	tooltipColorText[] = {1,1,1,1};
	tooltipColorBox[] = {1,1,1,1};
	tooltipColorShade[] = {0,0,0,0.65};


class playerRating
	idd = -1;
	fadein = 0;
	fadeout = 0;
	duration = 1e10;

	class controls
		class rank : RscText
			x = 0; //change this to position text on screen
			y = 0; //change this to position text on screen
			w = 0.12 * safeZoneW;
			h = 0.02 * safeZoneH;

			text = "Rating: ";
			onLoad = "uinamespace setVariable [ 'playerRatingText', _this select 0 ]; _this select 0 call TAG_fnc_updatePlayerRating";


class ui
	tag = "TAG";
	class playerInfo
		file = "functions";
		class updatePlayerRating {};


uiNamespace getVariable "playerRatingText" ctrlSetText format ["MONEY: %1", rating player];


In my example mission; the right side (as you guys know) is the Cutrsc. The left is a hint I call using debug:

onEachFrame {hintSilent format ["MONEY: %1", rating player]};

As I kill an opfor unit; the right side stays  MONEY:0 while the hint updates to MONEY:200



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Got that backwards, right side hint, left side cutrsc

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OK well I was wrong, it's working but the number is off.


For every regular infantry kill is equal to +200, https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_Armed_Assault:_Rating_Values


However on the first kill it doesn't change the variable; only on the second kill does it show MONEY:200; where instead it should show MONEY:400 


Almost there! Couldn't make it this far without this community.



edit: So its only the first kill that isn't counted; it seems to be counting consistently after that

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What happens if you pass the 'to be added' rating value from the event? rather than relying on just the current value of the rating command.

Is it just the event fires before rating is updated, seeing as you can change the rating value through the event. So would make sense the return from the rating command is not updated to reflect the new value until the event finishes, which involves the call to the function, so will not happen until after to UI text is updated.

_player addEventHandler ["HandleRating", {
	params ["_unit", "_rating"];
	_rating call TAG_fnc_updatePlayerRating;
uiNamespace getVariable "playerRatingText" ctrlSetText format[ "MONEY: %1", _this + rating player ];


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Larrow, glad your still here man. Grateful for your work.


So it's getting closer, this is what I have so far:



waitUntil{ !isNull call BIS_fnc_displayMission };

"playerRatingLayer" cutRsc [ "playerRating", "PLAIN" ];

_player = c1;

_player addEventHandler ["HandleRating", {
	params ["_unit", "_rating"];
	_rating call TAG_fnc_updatePlayerRating;

(I added _player = c1; after it was giving me an error with an undefined variable. I assume I would go ahead and give names to all playable units here?)


uiNamespace getVariable "playerRatingText" ctrlSetText format ["MONEY: %1", _this + rating player];

First thing, 

The  "MONEY:#" is updating in real time; however any changes other than killing enemies, like picking up items or using VASS to "buy" items, do not update automatically. 


ex.  I start the mission by killing an opfor unit: "MONEY:0" --changes to---> "MONEY:200"


       I go to my VASS shop that uses Player Rating as currency it shows $200 matching my current rating.


       I purchase a random weapon that costs $1 for testing.


      cutrsc rating still = "MONEY:200" VASS shows updated rating of $199.


      Spawn another opfor unit and kill that unit so now it updates giving me "MONEY:399"


The same thing happens for me  when I use:


"CUP_item_Money" in UniformItems player;

player addRating 2000; player removeItem "CUP_item_Money"

edit:It's only after killing the opfor unit does it show the extra "2000"


So far Rating changes only on killing hostile units.


Second, I noticed an error when I first open the test mission:

'... ctrlSetText format[ "MONEY: %1", _this |#|+ rating player ];'
Error +: Type Control, expected Number,Array,String,Not a number



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1 hour ago, ARCH93 said:

I added _player = c1; after it was giving me an error with an undefined variable.


Why did you remove the params line? That's what defines "_player" in initPlayerLocal.sqf.

params ["_player", "_didJIP"];  //  THIS SHOULD BE LINE 1

waitUntil{ !isNull call BIS_fnc_displayMission };

"playerRatingLayer" cutRsc [ "playerRating", "PLAIN" ];

_player addEventHandler ["HandleRating", {
	params ["_unit", "_rating"];
	_rating call TAG_fnc_updatePlayerRating;


Just gave this a try and it works fine.

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9 hours ago, ARCH93 said:

(I added _player = c1; after it was giving me an error with an undefined variable. I assume I would go ahead and give names to all playable units here?)


As @Harzach says initPlayerLocal is passed params of whom the player is, just add the params line as shown back in.



9 hours ago, ARCH93 said:

The  "MONEY:#" is updating in real time; however any changes other than killing enemies, like picking up items or using VASS to "buy" items, do not update automatically. 

Whenever you update the rating manually ( via addRating, VAS / your CUP money trigger ) you need to call the function. The rating EH only fires when the engine changes the rating (i.e for things like killing units).


player addRating 2000; player removeItem "CUP_item_Money"; 0 call TAG_fnc_updatePlayerRating;



9 hours ago, ARCH93 said:

Second, I noticed an error when I first open the test mission:

'... ctrlSetText format[ "MONEY: %1", _this |#|+ rating player ];'
Error +: Type Control, expected Number,Array,String,Not a number


Change this line in ui\playerStatsUI.hpp...


onLoad = "uinamespace setVariable [ 'playerRatingText', _this select 0 ]; _this select 0 call TAG_fnc_updatePlayerRating";


onLoad = "uinamespace setVariable [ 'playerRatingText', _this select 0 ]; 0 call TAG_fnc_updatePlayerRating";

As there is no need to pass the control from the onLoad as we use the uiNamespace variable to get it, and we have changed the parameter to the rating amount to add instead.

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Thank you! Got it working.


Appreciate both of you for helping me

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I’m sorry to bring up a discussion that I thought was closed but, it turns out whoever hosts can see the “Money:” but whoever joins can’t. I’m going to do some digging to see what’s wrong but thought I’d ask here as well


I really appreciate the help with all this

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On 3/26/2023 at 2:18 PM, ARCH93 said:

I’m going to do some digging to see what’s wrong but thought I’d ask

Sorry been ill for a couple of weeks and really didn't have the mindset to look into this at the time, did you get this sorted @ARCH93? or you still need help?

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Larrow, Glad your doing better man!


Seems to be working for all clients using:

if (hasInterface) then { -----------> This is what I added, seems to be working for clients now instead of just the host.
params ["_player", "_didJIP"];  

waitUntil{ !isNull call BIS_fnc_displayMission };

"playerRatingLayer" cutRsc [ "playerRating", "PLAIN" ];

_player addEventHandler ["HandleRating", {
	params ["_unit", "_rating"];
	_rating call TAG_fnc_updatePlayerRating;


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