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Suggestion: Download mods when connecting to a server, without the need to use the launcher.

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I believe this feature could improve the current situation of the game, many players have difficulties to download modifications and load them in the game to play on modified servers. Do you think it's worth making this change in arma 3 or implementing this feature in a future game?

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7 hours ago, Roberior said:

many players have difficulties to download modifications and load them in the game to play on modified servers.

What difficulty exactly?


If you join a server through the launcher tab, if the server requires mods for a mission, then the player can choose from two options

either keep current selected mods and join the server or load or subscribe to the mods and then join the server.


imo there is no better way to join servers then that for servers that require mods, if you go through the

server browser from the main menu of the game then that option isn't there.


The launcher is no more a launcher then it is a mod management tool, how else are you going to join a server that requires mods and

not use the launcher, A3launcher, Armasync?

It sounds like a guessing game to me to not know what mods are being downloaded because on the server

tab of the launcher when you click join to join the server it lists all the mods needed, and you can individually choose what and what not to load if you want.


I think this detail gives the player more control over what they want to play with as the server may require some gameplay

mod that the mission their hosting dont require or need like a sound mod.

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