Northup 20 Posted February 17, 2023 I am trying to write a script that reads a composition.sqe with loadconfig and then walks through the items using configClasses and spawn them one by one. So far, no luck. I have the following code: Spoiler // Load the configuration file _config = loadConfig "composition.sqe"; // Get the entities _entities = configClasses (_config >> "items" >> "Item0" >> "Entities"); // Iterate through each entity { // Check if the dataType is an object or logic if ((_x >> "dataType") isEqualTo "Object" || (_x >> "dataType") isEqualTo "Logic") then { // Get the position and direction of the entity _pos = getArray (_x >> "PositionInfo" >> "position"); _dir = getArray (_x >> "PositionInfo" >> "angles"); // Spawn the entity _entity = createVehicle (_x >> "type"), [(_pos select 0) + (center select 0), (_pos select 1) + (center select 1), (_pos select 2) + (center select 2)], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"; _entity setDir (_dir select 0); // Set the attributes of the entity _entity setVariable ["atlOffset", _x >> "atlOffset"]; _entity setVariable ["id", _x >> "id"]; _entity setVariable ["side", _x >> "side"]; // Set the attributes of the entity, if any _attributes = configClasses (_x >> "Attributes"); { _entity setVariable [(configName _x), _x]; } forEach _attributes; } } forEach _entities; Currently this is what the error report says: Spoiler { private _entit> 15:55:52 Error Missing ; 15:55:52 File C:\Users\jmint\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Dapperstache\mpmissions\06A-SZ-Altis-COMPSPAWNTEST.Altis\SpawnList\Abdera.sqf..., line 7 15:55:52 Error in expression <"); private _entities = configClasses (_config >> "items"); { private _entit> 15:55:52 Error position: <(_config >> "items"); For reference, here is the test composition.sqe: Spoiler version=54; center[]={9437.0068,123.12376,20306.428}; class items { items=1; class Item0 { dataType="Layer"; name="H Barrier - Razor"; class Entities { items=3; class Item0 { dataType="Layer"; name="H Barrier - Razor"; class Entities { items=2; class Item0 { dataType="Object"; class PositionInfo { position[]={2.5908203,1.3677444,-0.38867188}; angles[]={0.037514176,5.129302,6.2718234}; }; side="Empty"; flags=4; class Attributes { }; id=46782; type="Land_HBarrier_01_big_4_green_F"; atlOffset=-0.22571564; }; class Item1 { dataType="Object"; class PositionInfo { position[]={2.8134766,3.2416534,-0.42382813}; angles[]={0.037510466,5.1293039,6.2718163}; }; side="Empty"; class Attributes { }; id=46783; type="Land_Razorwire_F"; atlOffset=2.0817642; }; }; id=46781; atlOffset=0.92804718; }; class Item1 { dataType="Layer"; name="H Barrier - Razor_1"; class Entities { items=2; class Item0 { dataType="Object"; class PositionInfo { position[]={-2.3212891,1.3677444,-1.4003906}; angles[]={0.017958056,3.7406018,0.034842271}; }; side="Empty"; flags=4; class Attributes { }; id=46786; type="Land_HBarrier_01_big_4_green_F"; atlOffset=0.09942627; }; class Item1 { dataType="Object"; class PositionInfo { position[]={-2.2529297,3.2416534,-1.2050781}; angles[]={0.017964279,3.7406042,0.03483738}; }; side="Empty"; class Attributes { }; id=46787; type="Land_Razorwire_F"; atlOffset=2.4292526; }; }; id=46785; atlOffset=1.2643509; }; class Item2 { dataType="Layer"; name="H Barrier - Razor_2"; class Entities { items=2; class Item0 { dataType="Object"; class PositionInfo { position[]={-0.33496094,1.2099991,1.4960938}; angles[]={6.2684999,2.8803582,0.03634182}; }; side="Empty"; flags=4; class Attributes { }; id=46789; type="Land_HBarrier_01_big_4_green_F"; atlOffset=-0.092430115; }; class Item1 { dataType="Object"; class PositionInfo { position[]={-0.43652344,3.0839081,1.6757813}; angles[]={6.2685075,2.8803606,0.036343243}; }; side="Empty"; class Attributes { }; id=46790; type="Land_Razorwire_F"; atlOffset=2.2503967; }; }; id=46788; atlOffset=1.07901; }; }; id=46784; atlOffset=1.0900955; }; }; Any ideas? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Larrow 2823 Posted February 17, 2023 1 hour ago, Northup said: I am trying to write a script that reads a composition.sqe ... then walks through the items ... and spawn them one by one. Ive already done this and is available here... ...your welcome to go through it see what helps. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Northup 20 Posted February 18, 2023 Thanks Larrow. I tried yours first, but I'm inexperienced enough that with yours I couldn't add the lines to description.ext, since the mission I have is somewhat complex and has a ton of other functions and was throwing me errors. Not comfortable enough to perform that kind of surgery on existing scripts and functions. I also couldn't figure out how to just straight up spawn in something on mission start without using addactions. Just trying to come of with a small, simple script that will do what I need. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Northup 20 Posted February 20, 2023 On 2/17/2023 at 5:41 PM, Larrow said: Ive already done this and is available here... ...your welcome to go through it see what helps. @Larrow, I gave it another shot and was able to get into my mission, but I am unsure of how to spawn my comp via trigger? I tried _compReference = [ SAB ] call LARs_fnc_spawnComp; no luck. My composition is called SAB. Any suggestions? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Northup 20 Posted February 20, 2023 2 minutes ago, demonline said: I initially attempted using yours, but because of my inexperience, I was unable to add the lines to the description. ext, since my mission was throwing me errors and is quite complicated and has many more features. Not secure enough to operate that way on scripts and functions that already exist. Also, I was unable to figure out how to just spawn in a location upon mission start without the use of addactions. I'm just attempting to come up with a short, straightforward script that will accomplish my goals. ??? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Northup 20 Posted February 20, 2023 Solved. Still leaning syntax. My apologies. @Larrow thanks for the script. Works like a charm once I figured it out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites