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As the title states. Whenever an AI kills a player I don't see the text in the bottom-left stating so as it would do when a player dies or is killed by another player. What I'd like to have is this:

I run my own private dedicated server using a modified KP Liberation mission (0.96.7a - latest). In the arma3profile the 'killed by' setting is enabled with deathMessages = 1. In the role select screen in Parameters, under Debug Messages I have Killed Units enabled in case it did something  Having done a search I did find this Reddit post where users suggested using event handlers such as on the BI wiki:



this addEventHandler ["Killed", { params ["_unit", "_killer", "_instigator", "_useEffects"]; }];


However, I found a tutorial video about event handlers and in that one the text only appears in the top-right corner rather than the system chat at the bottom left:


Am I missing something? Is it expected behaviour for when AI kills players to be displayed like it does with PvP when death messages is enabled? Or is this something that's only enabled through scripting such as event handlers?



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