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Ibragim A

kbTell command and its more advanced use (need explanation)

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The wiki explanation says that argumentSpeech is an array of strings - each string is an already defined word in config, and in the code it looks something like this:

_sender kbTell 
  ["Target type", {}, 	"- soldier -", ["veh_infantry_s"]], // ["veh_infantry_s"] is an argumentSpeech array of strings 

Here the array ["veh_infantry_s"] includes one string (already defined word in config), as it should be, according to the wiki.


As far as I can see, kbTell takes this word only using the following config way:

configFile >> "RadioProtocolENG" >> "Words"

and this defined word ("veh_infantry_s") sounds like "Soldier!".

Now the problem is, that there are other defined words with the same name, but with a different path, and I can't figure out how to use them in kbTell.

For example, the same word ("veh_infantry_s"), but defined in

configFile >> "RadioProtocolENG" >> "Words" >> "CombatEngage"

sounds like "Fire at that soldier!".


The question is, is it possible to use words from the entire parent config "Words" in the kbTell command, and if so, how?

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