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Local PC Hosting 0.97.61 Steam Kick Code Group 1 Replication Reason 3 Connection Failure

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Local PC Hosting 0.97.61 Steam Kick Code Group 1 Replication Reason 3 Connection Failure



I am wondering if anyone can help me through this issue to host Reforger on my PC to 4 or less players. Here is my config and I posted the server startup log and some screenshots.



    "dedicatedServerId": "48714073-5328-46b6-b2b4-5e5e25617d87",
    "region": "US-GA",
    "gameHostBindAddress": "",
    "gameHostBindPort": 2001,
    "gameHostRegisterBindAddress": "X.X.X.X",
    "gameHostRegisterPort": 2001,
    "game": {
        "name": "Unofficial 7th Rangers Reforger",
        "password": "Omitted",
        "scenarioId": "{ECC61978EDCC2B5A}Missions/23_Campaign.conf",
        "playerCountLimit": 4,
        "visible": true,
        "gameProperties": {
            "serverMaxViewDistance": 0,
            "serverMinGrassDistance": 0,
            "networkViewDistance": 500,
            "disableThirdPerson": false,
            "fastValidation": true,
            "battlEye": true,
            "VONDisableUI": true,
            "VONDisableDirectSpeechUI": true
        "mods": []



G:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma Reforger Server>ArmaReforgerServer.exe -config ".\configs\config.json" -maxFPS 60 -profile ArmaReforgerServer -rpl-reconnect -rpl-timeout-ms 30000
ENGINE       : Creating engine.
ENGINE       : FileSystem: Adding relative directory 'C:\Users\jupar\Documents\My Games\ArmaReforgerServer\profile' to filesystem under name profile
ENGINE       : Initializing engine.
ENGINE       : CLI Params: -config .\configs\config.json -maxFPS 60 -profile ArmaReforgerServer -rpl-reconnect -rpl-timeout-ms 30000
ENGINE       : FileSystem: Adding package './addons/data/' (pak count: 2) to filesystem under name ArmaReforger
ENGINE       : FileSystem: Adding package './addons/core/' (pak count: 1) to filesystem under name core
RESOURCES    : ResourceDB: loading cache (id=0 name=ArmaReforger path=./addons/data/resourceDatabase.rdb)
RESOURCES    : ResourceDB: loading cache (id=1 name=core path=./addons/core/resourceDatabase.rdb)
RESOURCES    : ResourceDB: loading cache (id=2 name=profile path=C:\Users\jupar\Documents\My Games\ArmaReforgerServer\profile/resourceDatabase.rdb)
GameProject load
 ENGINE       : Addon dirs:
  ENGINE       : dir: './addons'
  ENGINE       : dir: 'C:/Users/jupar/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforgerServer/addons'
 ENGINE       : Available addons:
  ENGINE       : gproj: './addons/core/core.gproj' guid: '5614BBCCBB55ED1C'
  ENGINE       : gproj: './addons/data/ArmaReforger.gproj' guid: '58D0FB3206B6F859'
 ENGINE       : Loaded addons:
  ENGINE       : gproj: './addons/core/core.gproj' guid: '5614BBCCBB55ED1C'
  ENGINE       : gproj: './addons/data/ArmaReforger.gproj' guid: '58D0FB3206B6F859'
ENGINE    (W): No module info used, trying to identify -> 0xC4390000
RENDER       : Basic screen setup:
RENDER       :   Back buffer width x height: 0x0
RENDER       :   Back buffer format            : TEXFMT_UNKNOWN (0)
RENDER       :   MSAA                      : none
RENDER       : Detected 1 output devices:
RENDER       :   Dummy output (Dummy device for our dummy render.), 1920x1080 (offset 0x0)
RENDER       : GPU_DUMMY (0xFFFF) (Enfusion dummy render) with 1 GPU detected, VRAM 128MB (fast 128MB), shared 128MB, driver version 0, stereo not available
RENDER       :   Multithreaded resource creation is not supported
RENDER       :   Multithreaded command buffers are not supported
RENDER       :   Compute units are not supported
RENDER       :   Structured buffers are not supported
RENDER       :   Concurrent frames limit 2
RENDER       :   Shader precision support 16bit is not supported
ENGINE       : Job system settings: coreCount=32, shortJobContextCount=8, shortJobThreadCount=7, longJobThreadCount=3
AUDIO        : Audio device created
ENGINE       : Initializing inputs.
NETWORK      : Initializing networking.
RPL          : Connection timeout set to 30.000002 seconds by CLI argument.
SCRIPT       : Initializing scripts
 SCRIPT       : ScriptProjectManager init
 PROFILING    : ScriptProjectManager init took: 0.048300 ms
PROFILING    : Initializing scripts took: 37.061000 ms
ENGINE       : Enfusion engine successfully created.
GUI          : Using default language (en_us)
GUI          : Loading 'en_us' localization file.
INIT         : Loading StringTable
PROFILING    : Loading StringTable took: 8.431500 ms
SCRIPT       : Compiling GameLib scripts
PROFILING    : Compiling GameLib scripts took: 26.793100 ms
GUI       (E): ImageWidget::AlphaMaskTexture can't load 'UI/Textures/ProgressMasks/ProgressMaskVertical_256x1.edds'
GUI       (E): ImageWidget::AlphaMaskTexture can't load 'UI/Textures/ProgressMasks/ProgressMaskVertical_256x1.edds'
GUI       (E): ImageWidget::AlphaMaskTexture can't load 'UI/Textures/ProgressMasks/ProgressMaskHorizontal_256x1.edds'
GUI       (E): ImageWidget::AlphaMaskTexture can't load 'UI/Textures/ProgressMasks/ProgressMaskHorizontal_256x1.edds'
GUI       (E): ImageWidget::AlphaMaskTexture can't load 'UI/Textures/ProgressMasks/ProgressMaskCircular_1024.edds'
GUI       (E): ImageWidget::AlphaMaskTexture can't load 'UI/Textures/ProgressMasks/ProgressMaskCircular_1024.edds'
GUI       (E): ImageWidget::AlphaMaskTexture can't load 'UI/Textures/ProgressMasks/ProgressMaskCircular_1024.edds'
GUI       (E): ImageWidget::AlphaMaskTexture can't load 'UI/Textures/ScreenEffects/Suppression/suppressionVignette_alphaMask200.edds'
GUI       (E): ImageWidget::AlphaMaskTexture can't load 'UI/Textures/ProgressMasks/ProgressMaskCircular_1024.edds'
GUI       (E): ImageWidget::AlphaMaskTexture can't load 'UI/Textures/ProgressMasks/ProgressMaskCircular_1024.edds'
GUI       (E): ImageWidget::AlphaMaskTexture can't load 'UI/Textures/ProgressMasks/ProgressMaskCircular_1024.edds'
SCRIPT       : Compiling Game scripts
PROFILING    : Compiling Game scripts took: 1157.117300 ms
INIT         : Creating game instance(ArmaReforgerScripted), version built 2023-01-07 20:12:56 UTC.
SCRIPT       : Profile - Using MachineName!
NETWORK      : Starting dedicated server using command line args.
BACKEND      : Required addons are ready to use.
SCRIPT       : OnMissionSet
WORLD        : Entities load @"{9DF143A76F5C6460}worlds/MP/CTI_Campaign_Eden.ent"
 WORLD        : Subscene load @"{853E92315D1D9EFE}worlds/Eden/Eden.ent"
  RESOURCES    : GetResourceObject @"{A20FED3C5AC21FF9}Prefabs/Structures/Airport/LightRunway_02/LightRunway_02.et"
   WORLD        : Entity prefab load @"{A20FED3C5AC21FF9}Prefabs/Structures/Airport/LightRunway_02/LightRunway_02.et"
    WORLD     (E): Unknown keyword/data 'oneAngle' at offset 491(0x1eb)
PROFILING    : Entities load took: 668.971100 ms
WORLD        : Game::LoadEntities
 WORLD        : Preload
 PROFILING    : Preload took: 78.301900 ms
 WORLD        : Wait for preloading data
 PROFILING    : Wait for preloading data took: 1554.824000 ms
 WORLD        : CreateEntities
  WORLD        : CreateEntities
   WORLD        : NotifyBeforeEntitiesCreated
    RESOURCES    : Loaded mission headers from 2 addon(s)!
   PROFILING    : NotifyBeforeEntitiesCreated took: 0.722300 ms
   ENTITY       : Create entity @"ENTITY:1" ('world', GenericWorldEntity) at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000>
    RENDER    (E): Material Terrains/Common/Water/Ocean/Simulation/bumpSim.emat can't be use for ocean simulation, not compatible material class (MaterialClass)
   ENTITY       : Create entity @"ENTITY:2" ('Eden', GenericTerrainEntity) at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000>
    PROFILING    : Terrain load
    PROFILING    : Terrain load took: 1684.612900 ms
   ENTITY       : Create entity @"ENTITY:773103" ('SCR_DestructibleEntity') at <7543.137207 137.700989 4752.210449>
    ENTITY    (E): Destructible SCR_DestructibleEntityClass first phase has a threshold != 1, value will be overwritten
   ENTITY       : Create entity @"ENTITY:1001759" ('GenericEntity') at <7034.411133 118.575241 6016.577637>
    RESOURCES    : GetResourceObject @"{AB7FC5591A5521D9}Assets/Structures/BuildingsParts/Windows/Glass_PhoneBooth_E_01/Glass_Door_PhoneBooth_E_63x58.xob"
     RESOURCES (E): Failed to open
   ENTITY       : Create entity @"ENTITY:1001760" ('GenericEntity') at <7034.411133 118.575241 6016.577637>
    RESOURCES    : GetResourceObject @"{32617CC007B21049}Assets/Structures/BuildingsParts/Windows/Glass_PhoneBooth_E_01/Glass_Door_PhoneBooth_E_63x72.xob"
     RESOURCES (E): Failed to open
   ENTITY       : Create entity @"ENTITY:1102640" ('StaticModelEntity') at <4955.812988 17.403893 4052.177979>
    MATERIAL  (E): Object @"Assets/Structures/Cultural/Calvaries/CalvaryLarge_01/CalvaryLarge_01.xob" - cannot load material @"system/wbdata/PreviewWindow/TransparentMat.emat", creating default one (class MatPBRBasic)
   ENTITY       : Create entity @"ENTITY:1151409" ('RoadEntity') at <4773.007813 27.417000 11115.359375>
    TERRAIN   (W): A road without a road material found (@"ENTITY:1151409").
   ENTITY       : Create entity @"ENTITY:1151411" ('RoadEntity') at <4772.949219 27.417000 11115.565430>
    TERRAIN   (W): A road without a road material found (@"ENTITY:1151411").
   ENTITY       : Create entity @"ENTITY:1151413" ('RoadEntity') at <4770.958008 25.190001 11958.533203>
    TERRAIN   (W): A road without a road material found (@"ENTITY:1151413").
   NETWORK      : Enabled lag compensation, 29 frames with 100 FPS and 280 ms rewind limits.
   WORLD        : NotifyBeforeEntitiesInitialized
   PROFILING    : NotifyBeforeEntitiesInitialized took: 0.005600 ms
   WORLD        : InitEntities 'world'
    ENTITY       : Init entity @"ENTITY:3" ('SCR_MapEntity1', SCR_MapEntity) at <6400.000000 0.000000 6400.000000> @"{E1B88C66BF6CA1F9}Prefabs/World/Game/MapEntity_Everon.et"
     SCRIPT    (W): SCR_MapEntity: Cannot get the size from terrain. Using default.
    ENTITY       : Init entity @"ENTITY:2305843009213695784" ('StartingPos03', SCR_CampaignBase) at <6071.808105 97.013000 5389.321777>
     SCRIPT       : USSR MOB set up in StartingPos03
    ENTITY       : Init entity @"ENTITY:2305843009213695788" ('StartingPos04', SCR_CampaignBase) at <7845.081055 151.781006 4674.333008>
     SCRIPT       : US MOB set up in StartingPos04
    ENTITY       : Init entity @"ENTITY:2305843009213696463" ('MajorBaseChotain', SCR_CampaignBase) at <7445.591797 12.154000 6686.761230>
     SCRIPT    (W): Unable to register Slot ChotainHarbor_Fuel in #AR-Campaign_MapLocation_Coastal_Chotain!
    ENTITY       : Init entity @"ENTITY:2305843009213696547" ('MajorBaseLamentin', SCR_CampaignBase) at <1081.802979 7.091000 6013.407227>
     SCRIPT    (W): Unable to register Slot Lamentin_Fuel in #AR-Campaign_MapLocation_Coastal_Lamentin!
   WORLD        : NotifyEntitiesInitialized
    TERRAIN      : Initializing road networks...
    PROFILING    : Initializing road networks... took: 1.971700 ms
   PROFILING    : NotifyEntitiesInitialized took: 97.723000 ms
  PROFILING    : CreateEntities took: 9775.472200 ms
 PROFILING    : CreateEntities took: 9775.972000 ms
 WORLD        : EOnActivate
 PROFILING    : EOnActivate took: 0.630500 ms
PROFILING    : Game::LoadEntities took: 11424.758500 ms
NETWORK      : RPL listen address requested: ''
NETWORK      : Starting RPL server, listening on address, fastValidation=true
DEFAULT      : BattlEye Server: Loading BattlEye library from path 'G:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma Reforger Server\battleye\BEServer_x64.dll'.
DEFAULT      : BattlEye Server: 'Initialized (v1.220, Arma Reforger'
DEFAULT      : BattlEye Server: Initialized.
DEFAULT      : BattlEye Server: 'Config entry: GameID armar'
DEFAULT      : BattlEye Server: 'Config entry: MasterPort 2001'
DEFAULT      : Entered online game state.
ENGINE       : Game successfully created.
 WORLD        : Frame
  GUI       (E): ImageWidget::AlphaMaskTexture can't load 'UI/Textures/ProgressMasks/ProgressMaskVertical_256x1.edds'
  GUI       (E): ImageWidget::AlphaMaskTexture can't load 'UI/Textures/ProgressMasks/ProgressMaskVertical_256x1.edds'
  GUI       (E): ImageWidget::AlphaMaskTexture can't load 'UI/Textures/ProgressMasks/ProgressMaskHorizontal_256x1.edds'
  GUI       (E): ImageWidget::AlphaMaskTexture can't load 'UI/Textures/ProgressMasks/ProgressMaskHorizontal_256x1.edds'
  GUI       (E): ImageWidget::AlphaMaskTexture can't load 'UI/Textures/ProgressMasks/ProgressMaskCircular_1024.edds'
  GUI       (E): ImageWidget::AlphaMaskTexture can't load 'UI/Textures/ProgressMasks/ProgressMaskCircular_1024.edds'
  GUI       (E): ImageWidget::AlphaMaskTexture can't load 'UI/Textures/ProgressMasks/ProgressMaskCircular_1024.edds'
  SCRIPT       : SCR_BaseGameMode::OnGameStateChanged = GAME
 WORLD        : Frame
  SCRIPT       : RequestSave: $profile:.save\CTI_Campaign_Eden.json
 WORLD        : Frame
  SCRIPT       : RequestSave: $profile:.save\CTI_Campaign_Eden.json
 WORLD        : Frame
  SCRIPT       : RequestSave: $profile:.save\CTI_Campaign_Eden.json
 WORLD        : Frame
  SCRIPT       : RequestSave: $profile:.save\CTI_Campaign_Eden.json



Error log



Log C:\Users\jupar\Documents\My Games\ArmaReforgerServer\profile\error.log started at 2023-01-17 07:45:34 (2023-01-17 12:45:34 UTC)

07:45:34:723 ENGINE    (W): No module info used, trying to identify -> 0xC4390000
07:45:34:881 GUI       (E): ImageWidget::AlphaMaskTexture can't load 'UI/Textures/ProgressMasks/ProgressMaskVertical_256x1.edds'
07:45:34:881 GUI       (E): ImageWidget::AlphaMaskTexture can't load 'UI/Textures/ProgressMasks/ProgressMaskVertical_256x1.edds'
07:45:34:882 GUI       (E): ImageWidget::AlphaMaskTexture can't load 'UI/Textures/ProgressMasks/ProgressMaskHorizontal_256x1.edds'
07:45:34:882 GUI       (E): ImageWidget::AlphaMaskTexture can't load 'UI/Textures/ProgressMasks/ProgressMaskHorizontal_256x1.edds'
07:45:34:883 GUI       (E): ImageWidget::AlphaMaskTexture can't load 'UI/Textures/ProgressMasks/ProgressMaskCircular_1024.edds'
07:45:34:883 GUI       (E): ImageWidget::AlphaMaskTexture can't load 'UI/Textures/ProgressMasks/ProgressMaskCircular_1024.edds'
07:45:34:883 GUI       (E): ImageWidget::AlphaMaskTexture can't load 'UI/Textures/ProgressMasks/ProgressMaskCircular_1024.edds'
07:45:34:883 GUI       (E): ImageWidget::AlphaMaskTexture can't load 'UI/Textures/ScreenEffects/Suppression/suppressionVignette_alphaMask200.edds'
07:45:34:884 GUI       (E): ImageWidget::AlphaMaskTexture can't load 'UI/Textures/ProgressMasks/ProgressMaskCircular_1024.edds'
07:45:34:885 GUI       (E): ImageWidget::AlphaMaskTexture can't load 'UI/Textures/ProgressMasks/ProgressMaskCircular_1024.edds'
07:45:34:885 GUI       (E): ImageWidget::AlphaMaskTexture can't load 'UI/Textures/ProgressMasks/ProgressMaskCircular_1024.edds'
07:45:36:825  WORLD        : Subscene load @"{853E92315D1D9EFE}worlds/Eden/Eden.ent"
07:45:36:825   RESOURCES    : GetResourceObject @"{A20FED3C5AC21FF9}Prefabs/Structures/Airport/LightRunway_02/LightRunway_02.et"
07:45:36:825    WORLD        : Entity prefab load @"{A20FED3C5AC21FF9}Prefabs/Structures/Airport/LightRunway_02/LightRunway_02.et"
07:45:36:825     WORLD     (E): Unknown keyword/data 'oneAngle' at offset 491(0x1eb)
07:45:38:716    ENTITY       : Create entity @"ENTITY:1" ('world', GenericWorldEntity) at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000>
07:45:38:716     RENDER    (E): Material Terrains/Common/Water/Ocean/Simulation/bumpSim.emat can't be use for ocean simulation, not compatible material class (MaterialClass)
07:45:43:166    ENTITY       : Create entity @"ENTITY:773103" ('SCR_DestructibleEntity') at <7543.137207 137.700989 4752.210449>
07:45:43:167     ENTITY    (E): Destructible SCR_DestructibleEntityClass first phase has a threshold != 1, value will be overwritten
07:45:44:011    ENTITY       : Create entity @"ENTITY:1001759" ('GenericEntity') at <7034.411133 118.575241 6016.577637>
07:45:44:012     RESOURCES    : GetResourceObject @"{AB7FC5591A5521D9}Assets/Structures/BuildingsParts/Windows/Glass_PhoneBooth_E_01/Glass_Door_PhoneBooth_E_63x58.xob"
07:45:44:012      RESOURCES (E): Failed to open
07:45:44:012    ENTITY       : Create entity @"ENTITY:1001760" ('GenericEntity') at <7034.411133 118.575241 6016.577637>
07:45:44:013     RESOURCES    : GetResourceObject @"{32617CC007B21049}Assets/Structures/BuildingsParts/Windows/Glass_PhoneBooth_E_01/Glass_Door_PhoneBooth_E_63x72.xob"
07:45:44:013      RESOURCES (E): Failed to open
07:45:44:318    ENTITY       : Create entity @"ENTITY:1102640" ('StaticModelEntity') at <4955.812988 17.403893 4052.177979>
07:45:44:318     MATERIAL  (E): Object @"Assets/Structures/Cultural/Calvaries/CalvaryLarge_01/CalvaryLarge_01.xob" - cannot load material @"system/wbdata/PreviewWindow/TransparentMat.emat", creating default one (class MatPBRBasic)
07:45:44:474    ENTITY       : Create entity @"ENTITY:1151409" ('RoadEntity') at <4773.007813 27.417000 11115.359375>
07:45:44:475     TERRAIN   (W): A road without a road material found (@"ENTITY:1151409").
07:45:44:476    ENTITY       : Create entity @"ENTITY:1151411" ('RoadEntity') at <4772.949219 27.417000 11115.565430>
07:45:44:476     TERRAIN   (W): A road without a road material found (@"ENTITY:1151411").
07:45:44:476    ENTITY       : Create entity @"ENTITY:1151413" ('RoadEntity') at <4770.958008 25.190001 11958.533203>
07:45:44:477     TERRAIN   (W): A road without a road material found (@"ENTITY:1151413").
07:45:47:940    WORLD        : InitEntities 'world'
07:45:47:940     ENTITY       : Init entity @"ENTITY:3" ('SCR_MapEntity1', SCR_MapEntity) at <6400.000000 0.000000 6400.000000> @"{E1B88C66BF6CA1F9}Prefabs/World/Game/MapEntity_Everon.et"
07:45:47:941      SCRIPT    (W): SCR_MapEntity: Cannot get the size from terrain. Using default.
07:45:48:368     ENTITY       : Init entity @"ENTITY:2305843009213696463" ('MajorBaseChotain', SCR_CampaignBase) at <7445.591797 12.154000 6686.761230>
07:45:48:368      SCRIPT    (W): Unable to register Slot ChotainHarbor_Fuel in #AR-Campaign_MapLocation_Coastal_Chotain!
07:45:48:370     ENTITY       : Init entity @"ENTITY:2305843009213696547" ('MajorBaseLamentin', SCR_CampaignBase) at <1081.802979 7.091000 6013.407227>
07:45:48:370      SCRIPT    (W): Unable to register Slot Lamentin_Fuel in #AR-Campaign_MapLocation_Coastal_Lamentin!
07:45:53:276 UpdateEntities
07:45:53:276  WORLD        : Frame
07:45:53:277   GUI       (E): ImageWidget::AlphaMaskTexture can't load 'UI/Textures/ProgressMasks/ProgressMaskVertical_256x1.edds'
07:45:53:277   GUI       (E): ImageWidget::AlphaMaskTexture can't load 'UI/Textures/ProgressMasks/ProgressMaskVertical_256x1.edds'
07:45:53:278   GUI       (E): ImageWidget::AlphaMaskTexture can't load 'UI/Textures/ProgressMasks/ProgressMaskHorizontal_256x1.edds'
07:45:53:278   GUI       (E): ImageWidget::AlphaMaskTexture can't load 'UI/Textures/ProgressMasks/ProgressMaskHorizontal_256x1.edds'
07:45:53:278   GUI       (E): ImageWidget::AlphaMaskTexture can't load 'UI/Textures/ProgressMasks/ProgressMaskCircular_1024.edds'
07:45:53:279   GUI       (E): ImageWidget::AlphaMaskTexture can't load 'UI/Textures/ProgressMasks/ProgressMaskCircular_1024.edds'
07:45:53:279   GUI       (E): ImageWidget::AlphaMaskTexture can't load 'UI/Textures/ProgressMasks/ProgressMaskCircular_1024.edds'



Screenshot of the server in the browser and one showing the error. I can see that my Reforger client did join as the player count shows 1/4 after connecting. The orange radar loads and afterwards times out.




The firewall rules on my PFsense are configured and NAT outbound is an auto-created rule for local subnet network. Tested with Windows firewall off for public and private.




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Set you server up for remote connection by setting "gameHostBindAddress" to and set "gameHostRegisterBindAddress" to your external IP.

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I've just gotten Arma Reforger, and I cannot play for longer than 10 minutes. Constantly getting kicked with the "Group=1 ‘REPLICATION’, reason=4 ‘TIMEOUT’". Renting my own server, no other players playing. Regardless if I'm running around on foot or GM. Game is literally unplayable in an online environment. I'm seriously disappointed in Bohemia. 

Edited by ElShotte

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Everyone tells you to forward  Port TCP 2001
But after a whole night of sharing logs and crawling the Internet for the correct Answer, a friend of mine found the Solution.
And now I feel dedicated to share it with everyone I came across on my search for this.

I'm a bit late but, here are the ports that require forwarding:

TCP: 27015, 27036
UDP: 2001, 17777, 27015, 27031-27036

    TCP: 3074
    UDP: 88, 500, 3074, 3544, 4500

Now everything just works.
Hope it helps.


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  On 3/27/2024 at 1:16 PM, martydeeks said:

Everyone tells you to forward  Port TCP 2001
But after a whole night of sharing logs and crawling the Internet for the correct Answer, a friend of mine found the Solution.
And now I feel dedicated to share it with everyone I came across on my search for this.

I'm a bit late but, here are the ports that require forwarding:

TCP: 27015, 27036
UDP: 2001, 17777, 27015, 27031-27036

    TCP: 3074
    UDP: 88, 500, 3074, 3544, 4500

Now everything just works.
Hope it helps.


help me pls what are those things TCP and UDP help

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  On 7/8/2024 at 5:55 PM, loradellapizza said:

help me pls what are those things TCP and UDP help

These are settings in your modem/router. Please read the manual for your modem/router on how to configure port forwarding.

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can someone break this down a bit easier for us noobs out here i tried reading this had no clue what to do i just wanna play the game with my buddy like WTH

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Perhaps this guide can help:


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