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time acceleration and support

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I've done some searches across the forums and haven't found anything relevant so far so I thought I would ask if anyone can suggest a solution. I'm customizing a Force Through mission and finding that if I have virtual support and time acceleration that the support doesn't work correctly. eg: supply drop - helicopter appears but flies to a point distant from the position the supplies were requested and goes into a hover and does nothing further. 

Removing time acceleration and retest and everything works fine. Is time acceleration and virtual support completely incompatible? Any workarounds?  


FYI I am aware that using actual units as supports works under time acceleration as I checked that as soon as I realised time acceleration was the source of the problem. I'm hoping to avoid using real units as users can move/rotate/resize the battle area in Force Through missions unless I turn off the ability to do so - which I don't wish to as it limits the flexibility of the mission

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1 hour ago, stonehouse said:

Removing time acceleration and retest and everything works fine. Is time acceleration and virtual support completely incompatible? Any workarounds? 


I'm using time acceleration when I test my "drop vehicle" module along with BI virtual one. I mean: using BI virtual drop module + mine which hacks the BI code for the scripted waypoint. I don't have such issue.

I'm thinking about two possibilities:

- the drop waypoint is completed, skipped or deleted  by a script on spawned vehicles (so the helo). Try to give a bigger distance from BI module to the place where you would drop a crate. try to find which code or mod implies waypoints (for spawned vehicles, so inside a loop).

- or, what you describe could be due to a combat behavior instead of careless attitude for the helo pilot. The behavior of this pilot is set to CARELESS, so there is no issue for dropping crate in combat area.

You probably run somewhere a script/mod altering that. It's probably triggered in a loop or a trigger.


The best way to check these possibilities is adding a little code in vehicle init field of the BI virtual module:

_this allowDamage FALSE;  driver _this  allowDamage FALSE;  _this spawn {while {true} do {hintsilent str [behaviour driver _this, waypointPosition [group _this,currentWaypoint group _this]]; sleep 1}};

That will hint ["CARELESS",[xx,yy,zz]] // behavior of pilot and current waypoint destination when support starts

Then, you could see a change in position (so, the current waypoint changes for some reason)  or perhaps "COMBAT" for some reason in scripts.




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OK, thanks for the reply. Don't think it is mods as I deliberately cut mods down to the min needed when editing and in this case is cba plus cup terrains plus interiors for cup plus western sahara. So, all essentially terrain plus some DLC units other than cba. Tried your init line on the virtual supply provider - get the hint up as careless plus co-ordinates and the co-rdinates do change.........so I'm guessing the force through framework must make it change when the helo enters the mission area or some such. I'll have to try to find out if I can exclude units from the frameworks influence. Thanks for the clues, they might help me progress things.

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Hoping for a bit more help from someone experienced. It looks like if I set a variable in the init line of a unit eg _this setVariable ["ignoreIntel", true]; then the framework does not try to task the unit.


However, using hints I added to some of the framework scripts to debug things it seems like this setvariable for the spawned supply helicopter is not sticking and it is acting like it is false. 


I've tried giving the virtual supply module a name and then using this in the vehicle init so that I have the init like:


call{Supply1 setVariable ["ignoreIntel", true, true];}; _this allowDamage FALSE; driver _this  allowDamage FALSE; 


Unfortunately, it still doesn't seem to be right because I am getting a hint displaying that I believe should not as a condition prior to the hint should have exited the script if ignoreIntel was true.


Any suggestions?


I did wonder perhaps if it was the whole group or the crew that needs the variable set to true? How would I do this for the crew in the vehicle init line of the support module?


Something like driver _this setVariable ["ignoreIntel", true]; ?



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You're speaking about "framework". What do you mean? A task framework? (so which one?). Where does the "ignoreIntel" come from?

If you want more help, you should describe the context (mod, other moules,...)

And yes, as you spawn an helo by virtual support, you can script something like : driver _this setVariable ["ignoreIntel", true];
The good question is about on what "ignoreIntel" applies. If players, no chance. If group, you should write group driver _this, ....

Then, where this variable should be defined. If on server only, ok, if everywhere or clients, then  driver _this setVariable ["ignoreIntel", true,TRUE];

Just give more info about your scenario.

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Sorry I thought I had in the first post. It's the Force Through mission "framework" - not really sure what to call it. It's not really a mod or a framework. Essentially a mission template plus some scripts to create an AI v AI battle where the players are cogs in the battle. You port it to whatever map you want and then do some simple setup. I'm trying to add things like virtual support to the mission. 


See https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2444182278 for example.

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Seems like group driver _this setVariable ["ignoreIntel", true]; is what I needed. Thank you for your help. 

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