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All addon settings and keys reset to default

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Any particular reason why Arma 3 might reset all my workshop addon settings and keys?  I just went into Arma and it's all back to default.  The non-addon stuff still seems to remember my settings and keys, though.  There was a goofy message when I first went into the main screen, which said something to the effect of "Are you new to Arma?" like it was an introduction.  The upper right corner still has my username.  BTW, I'm using the 2.08 legacy beta, so it's not as if Arma just updated itself.

I just realized this includes not only all my ACE customizations, but TPW HUD & skirmish units, and also the tons of ammo I added to TSP Breach.  Good lord, what a disaster!  The Extended Debug console has also been cleared of everything I had in it.

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Checked that.  It's the correct profile.  I inexplicably made a backup of the Profiles folder back in July when backing up my Workshop folder and custom external mod folders, so I'm working through updating that to my most recent changes.  I guess I was rightfully paranoid about that back in July for some reason.  Unfortunately, it looks like my custom loadouts from the last few months are totally lost, but that's relatively minor.  I did have to update some of the keys again, but many of them had already been changed to what I've been using back in July.  So instead of spending the rest of the night, it looks like I'll be mostly done fixing this within the hour and will just have to Tactical Barbie my way through some new loadouts again.

For some reason my Arma 3 profiles folder didn't just get wiped, but also my passwords in MS Edge. All the log-in cookies in Edge were also gone.  The favorites are still there and current. Very bizarre.  Firefox is fine, though.  So far, all I see is my profile problems in Arma 3 and Edge.

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